Chapter 32

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"I'm sorry that I haven't been completely honest with you," I said.

"We understand," Nate said. "It's just... wow."

"I'm just fucking glad your stepfather didn't actually... I mean, don't get me wrong those two little monsters are cute as fuck and we love them, but shit... to think of what Marcus..."

"Dave," Damien warned.

"Sorry," Dave said.

"It's fine. If it wasn't for Vin, I'm sure he would have taken what he wanted," I shivered at the thought.

"Can we get in touch with Vin?"

"No. I'm not putting him at risk," I said adamantly.

"We're not going to. But it will be a hell of a lot easier if we new exactly what it is that Marcus is planning."

"No. And you can't promise that he won't get jury or worse, killed."

"Hallie," Damien started to say, but I didn't let him finish.

"No," I said sternly, leaving no room for arguments.

"Any other secrets we need to know about?" Nate asked.

I shook my head. "What now?" I asked.

"He's coming. You're on our watch 24/7. Your guards don't leave you and you don't leave their sight," Nate said.

I nodded.

"I'm serious about this. Not a second off their eyes. I've assigned Perry, James, Curtis, and Jones as your protective detail. Yours, Ty and Michy. They report directly to me. I know that this is going to be intrusive, but we can't underestimate Marcus and his power. He could have people lined in his pockets."

"I know. I'll do anything and everything you ask of me if it means keeping my kids safe and everyone else I care about."

Nate nodded.

"That includes all of you," I said.

"Everyone including your dad's security is briefed. We're just waiting for Marcus to make his move."


"It feels so good to be back," I breathed after stepping out of my private plane.

"Our men are waiting," Vin said.

We walked over to the rest of my men.

"Sir," Clay greeter.

"I trust that everyone is ready?" I asked.

"Yes they are. They're just waiting for your word."

"Good," I smiled. "Did you do what I asked?"

"Yes, sir. She should be opening it as we speak."

He laughed. "Good."

"Did you get what I asked?"

He nodded and handed me a phone.

"It's number one on speed dial. You don't have to worry about it being traced. It's a burner phone."

"Excellent. Now let's get the hell out of here."


"Hallie, you've got a package," Martha said.

"I do?" I asked.

She nodded.

"From who?"

"It's from your dad," she replied.

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