Chapter 15

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"Will you tell me who you're running from?" I asked.

She simply looked back at me, so I looked at her encourgingly.

She took a deep breath and said, "A monster."

Before I could ask her what she further, the baby monitor alerted as that Ty was awake.

"I better go get him," Hallie said, as she moved to get up. 

I nodded. "He must be hungry. I'll make him something to eat.  Would he like a grilled cheese sandwich?"

She smiled and nodded. "He loves them. I don't get to make it for him often, but when I do, it's definitely a treat." The smile died on her face as if realizing she's said too much. 

I smiled back. "I'll get started on it then," I said, trying to lighten things up. "He also needs another dose of medicine. You can find it at the end table beside the bed."


She headed back to the bedroom, while I headed back to the kitchen to fix Ty up something to eat. 

Grilled cheese sandwich... something so simple and something I, myself take for granted and to Ty is a seldom treat he gets once in a while. My heart ached at the thought. Suddenly, I thought back to how I found them. Hallie digging around for a twenty dollar bill. No one should never have to go through such hardship, nor worry about what they're going to eat, or how much money they have left.

"Da-yan," I heard a tiny voice say from behind me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Hey buddy. Feeling better?"

He nodded, before throwing himself at me, catching me off guard, but I moved quick enough that I caught him in my arms.

Hallie looked perplexed, me on the other hand, felt comfortable, like I've been carrying him in my arms for as long as I can remember.  

"I heard you love grilled cheese," I said.

Ty's eyes widened and he nodded enthusiastically. 

"I love gilled cheese,' he said, making me chuckle.

"Good. Because I made you a yummy one." I scooped his grilled cheese of the pan and put it on a plate. "We gotta wait a minute thought because it's very hot."

"I can cut them up in smaller pieces," Hallie said, as she grabbed the plate to do just that.

"Michy still fast asleep?" I asked Hallie as she was cutting.

She nodded. "She sleeps like a log, so I'm not surprised."

"You should probably head on back to bed too. You need to rest as much as you can. You don't have to worry about Ty, I can take care of him."

"You really don't gave to do that and..."

"Hallie, you know the doctors orders. Plenty of rest and vitamins. After a night like last night, you need rest even more so now."

"But," she tried to argue.

"Like I said, you'll be of no use to Ty and Michy if you don't take care of yourself." I didn't miss the way she looked at the kind-size bed when I brought her to their room.  The longing look she had.  I guessed that she probably hadn't had a good night's sleep in a long time, or a comfortable bed to lay in.  But what surprised me even more was the urge that took over me.  I wanted her in my bed. In my arms.  I wanted to keep her safe in my arms and to never let her go.

I shook my head. What the hell? I wanted them all safe in my arms. I wanted them to be mine.  To by family. To belong to me.  I wanted Hallie to belong to me.  To be mine.  My woman.  

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