Chapter 7

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I'm exhausted. No doubt I look it too, I thought to myself.

I sighed.

I shouldn't be in this car and with Damien. Not with how rich and well known he is. I might as well point an arrow to me with a sign that says, I'm here so Marcus can find me.

I shook my head. I need to find out if Larry Winston is my father. That's what I need to do. He can help me. He has the means to help me.

But what if he isn't my father? Or what if he is my father, but wants nothing to do with me?

I still haven't figured out a way to get in touch with him and to get him to listen to my explanation.

I sighed.

I saw Damien look back at the corner of my eyes. When I turned, my gaze collided with his and what I saw squeezed my chest tight and made me want to be wrapped around in his arms. And that scared me. It scared me because, what I saw was genuine care and concern. It's as if he can see through me and read my mind. It's as if he is sensing my fear and my pain... like he knows I've been hurt, but he doesn't know by whom.

I turned my gaze away first. I was afraid if he looked longer or even closer that he was going to discover my secrets.

That thought unnerved me.

He unnerves me.


She turned her gaze away first. Like she was afraid that if I looked longer or even closer that I was going to discover her secrets.

That thought bothered.

She bothers me.

This woman has me tied up in knots. I shook my head, no. Correction, has been tying me in knots since she bumped into me weeks ago and she doesn't even know it.

I turned back and settled on my seat.

I shook my head.

What the hell am I going to do?

The rest of the drive to her apartment was quiet, but my mind was not.

The need to protect and take care of her is so strong. I haven't known her long, hell, I don't really know her, period. Yet, I feel responsible for her. I feel like it's my job to take care and protect her. I can't explain it, I just know she's mine to protect.

"Sir," Jerry said, interrupting my thought.

I looked out my window and I wasn't surprised with what I was seeing.

Her building wasn't too bad, but it wasn't what I would call okay, either. There were graffiti all over the building and men hanging around, smoking and drinking and some neighbourhood kids playing street basketball. Those kids couldn't be older than 13.

"Thanks for driving us home," I heard Hallie say behind me.

"Don't you even think about opening that door," I gritted through my teeth.

"And why not?" She asked.

I groaned. Stubborn, obstinate woman.

"You really think you're safe here?" I asked.

"They don't bother me and I don't bother them," she said. "Listen, thank you for your help, but I can take care of myself and my kids," she said, as she moved to open her door. She yanked the door and it wouldn't budge.

I looked to Jerry and he kept his gaze forward, but the redness on his ears told me what I needed to know.

Child lock.

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