Chapter 30

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He's here. I can't believe it. He's here.


I look up and see my dad. I frowned in question.

He nodded with a small smile, as if he could the question in my mind.

I frowned not sure why.

"Don't be mad," he said to me once I was in front of him.


"You two need to talk. He's one of the good guys, honey. Don't let him get away," he said before dropping a kiss at the top of my head.

"I'm doing it to keep him and his family safe. They don't need to be involved," I argued.

My dad chuckled. "It's too late for that," he said. "He's involved. He loves you."

I looked at him with shock. How does he know that?

"What did he say to you?" He asked.

"That he wasn't going anywhere. That he wasn't leaving tonight until we talk," I said. "The stubborn arrogant man."

My dad chuckled again.

"Stop that," I whined. Then chuckled at myself too.

My dad laughed. "I knew I like him."


"It seems... I won't be having you in my home for much too long," he said while caressing my cheek before he walked away.

His comment rendered me speechless. I looked around the room and found myself immediately drawn to Damien who was gazing back at me.

He smiled at me.

I broke our eye contact. I don't know what to think or how to feel.

Do I give in to what my heart wants? Do I throw caution out the door and just dive in?

I shook my head.

Damien. Oh Damien. What am I going to do with you? I thought to myself. The stubborn man.

The rest of the night went by like a blur. All I could think about was Damien. Why can't he just let me go? Why does he have to be so stubborn?

As the party slowly comes to end, guests have also started to depart, telling me that it's almost time. Time for me to face Damien. I can't exactly avoid him. Knowing him, he meant what he said. He'll be waiting for me. As I smiled at another guest saying their goodbye, I can feel his eyes on me and a shiver ran through me.

I excused my myself to my father who nodded in understanding.

I walked and I knew he knew and he wasn't too far behind me.

When I reached the garden, I turned and he was right there. Just a few steps behind me, close enough for me to smell his scent that I've grown to love so much. Close enough to see the frustration in his eyes.  Close enough that I could hear his heart beating just as wildly as mine.

"I can wait if you want to change into something more comfortable," he said, breaking the silence between us.

"I'm good," I said. "Just say what you want to say and be on your way."

He raised his eyebrows as he cracked a smile. "You really think it will be that easy to get rid of me?"

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He chuckled.

"I'm not playing games with you, Damien. Say what you want to say then leave."

"I'm not leaving until you admit how you really feel about me."

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