Chapter 27

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He held me in his arms for what felt like forever. And for the first time, I felt a father's love. In his embrace I felt everything. It's not something I can put into words, but whatever it is I'm feeling right now, it fills me with overflowing joy.

When he finally pulled back, he had tears rolling down his face.

"I never knew. If I had..." he trailed off, emotions choking him.

I placed my hand on top of his as he continued to hold my face and said, "I..."

What do I even say?

"All the wasted years where I could have been taking care of you and raising you as my daughter. I'm sorry," he whispered, pain and regret evident in his voice.

Regret he shouldn't have because it wasn't his fault.

"You didn't know," I replied.

He nodded. "And now I do. I promise you, I will make it up to you. We'll start over. I'm not wasting another second," he said as he cupped my face.

I smiled through my tears. "I'd like that."

"There is so much that we need to catch up on," he sighed. "I just... I just wish I can go back in time and..." he shook his head. "I don't even know what I could have done differently to avoid this from happening."

"I'm just happy that I've finally met you. I dreamed of this moment a million times and every single scenario doesn't compare to how happy I am."

He smiled at me. "I have always wanted children and at this point I didn't think t would ever happen, but here you are. I couldn't be happier."

He wrapped me in his arms once again.

"There's so much I want know," he said, once he pulled back.

I bit my lip nervously. "There's so much you need to know. I don't know where to begin and how to explain it to you."

"Why don't you start with them?" He nodded toward Ty who was snuggled on Nate's side and Michy who he had in his arms.

I smiled. I held out my hand for Ty and he immediately rushed to my side as he clung to my legs. I rubbed his back with my hand. "This sweet boy is Ty," I smiled.

Nate walked over with Michy," and this angel is Michy," I said as she leaned towards me, wanting me to take her. She buried her face in my neck as soon as I did.

"Grandkids. I can't believe it," my dad boasted.

Dad. It feels weird saying it.

"A daughter and two beautiful grandchildren," he smiled.

"It's okay, seeetheart. It's grandpa," said softly. "He's mommy's daddy," I said.

"Dada," she repeated.

"That's right."

"Me want Dada," she said.

I tried my best to ignore the pain that washes over me at the thought of Damien, because I have no doubt that Michy was talking about Damien.

"Ty, can you say hi to grandpa?"

"Hi," he said shyly.

My dad smiled. He bent down so that he was at his level. "I bet you like cookies," my dad said.

Ty's eyes rounded and sparkles with interest.

I chuckled. "Oh, he loves cookies alright. He's a Cookie Monster."

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