Chapter 10

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Hi everyone!

I apologize for the delay. I ended up going on a spontaneous trip to Cancun, Mexico with my family. I just couldn't pass up the beauty of the resort, I had to enjoy the relaxing ambiance of the place and put down my phone for the whole week of my stay there. But I'm back and here is the next chapter of the story!

I promise there is more to come!


"I called Paul," Martha said as she walked back.

"Right. He got back last night," I said, remembering that he's back from his convention in Atlanta. "Thanks."

"He'll be here soon."

I nodded.

"Jerry's got the little ones."

"Thank you."

"Also your sister called and asked if you were still coming to Gabby's recital. She said she couldn't get a hold of you."

"Shit. My phone's still in my office."

"Would you like me to get it?"

I shook my head. "I'll call her back later."

She looked surprised.

I shrugged inwardly. The last thing on my mind is work. And work can wait.

A knock on the door sounded.

"Come in," I said.

The door opened and Paul came in.

"Thanks for getting here so quickly."

"She'll be okay. It's most likely from fatigue and exhaustion, based on what you've told me," Paul, a doctor and a good friend of mine said.

"Why isn't she waking up?" I asked.

"Her body is trying to play catch up. She'll wake up soon. She needs the rest," he added. "But if you're really concerned, you can always bring her to the clinic to have a full workout."

I nodded.

"But I can tell you right now, a good TLC is all she needs," he smiled.

"Thank you."

"Is there anything else?"

I shook my head. "I'll probably take her to the clinic for a full workout, but for right now, we'll be okay."

He nodded back.

"Thank you again."

He paused for a moment then,"So, are you gonna tell me about her?" He asked.

"There's nothing to tell," I said. Yet.

He chuckled and shook his head. "And the two little ones downstairs?"

"Her kids. That's all I know."

"Just be careful. If there's kids involved, it can get complicated," he commented.

I looked back at him and said nothing.

He smiled. "I have a feeling it's too late," he muttered.

I frowned.

He clapped me on the back. "Another one bites the dust," he said as he gathered his things.

As he closed the door behind him, I chuckled too.

Paul was a known ladies man. Then he met his match, Erin. One who was immune to his charms and gave him the chase of his life.  They've recently gotten married and are blissfully happy and enjoying the married life. I've never seen Paul as happy as he is ever since Erin came into his life. Erin with her beautiful soul. She's one of the best people I know. She has such a kind heart. She has this aura that just invites you in and makes you feel comfortable. It wasn't hard getting along with her or even liking her as a person. She just radiates happiness and positivity.

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