Chapter 44

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2 months later...


"How is she today?" I asked the doctor as I sat down in her office.

She smiled knowing I ask her the same question every day. "She came out to the garden on her own for the first time this morning after breakfast," she said.

I smiled. "Really?"

She nodded. "I can't imagine how hard it must be for you, and I know that it can be frustrating, but we can't rush her. She's been through a lot and sometimes the mind need time to catch up. She'll recover. We just need to give her more time. With your support and your family, she'll be okay."

I nodded. "I know."

We talked about a couple more things before I thanked her and headed to see her.

My Hallie.

So much has happened since that night. The night Hallie faced Marcus on her own.

The moment I walked into the house and saw Hallie with a gun in her hand, pointing it at Marcus, I can't begin to explain the worry and fear I felt. She was trembling. Crying. I knew she had reached her breaking point. I felt so helpless as I watched her.

Nate tried to calm her down and assure her that everything was okay, but she couldn't seem
to stop herself.

I talked to her too and tried to get her to give me the gun. Then through out that, no one noticed that Marcus managed to free himself and pulled a gun out surprising all of us. He pointed the gun at us, but before he could fire, Hallie fired her gun first and shot him in the head.

2 months ago...

Hallie dropped the gun after she fired. Her entire body was trembling in shock.

"Hallie," I said touching her and she freaked out. Screaming as she fell to the ground.

She raised her hand to her heads as she rocked herself back and forth. Crying.

I tried to touch her again, but she freaked out hysterically, scaring me to death.

Once again, I was left feeling helpless.

I kneeled beside her, my own tears filling my eyes.

People continuously moved around us.

Paramedics approached us once they arrived and as they tried to help Hallie, she lashed out and cried. They had no choice but to sedate her.

I felt so numb and yet so scared. Scared for Hallie. I have never seen her like that. The sight was enough to kill me right where I am.

What she did was self defence. Marcus was going to kill us. I know that there wouldn't be any repercussions to what she did. But how this will affect her mentally, physically, and emotionally is what scares me.


A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered what happened.

I remember arriving at the hospital. I remember sitting beside Hallie as she lay on the hospital bed. I remember her waking up and bursting into tears, thrashing against the bed. I remember them having to restrain her and sedate her once again.

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I remember crying in my mom's arms. I remember seeing her in a catatonic state. I remember talking to her and telling her how much I loved her and how it wasn't her fault and that everything will be okay. I remember her simply laying there... Unmoving. Emotionless. Speechless. She didn't acknowledge me in any way. It scared me shitless. I could see that she had checked out. Her eyes were open, but they were vacant and lifeless. It was as if her soul has left her body.

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