Chapter 38

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The next few months passed by like a blur. Marcus tried to fight for his right to my kids, but my
power and money is far greater than his and the fact that he signed a document relinquishing all his right to Ty and Michy made his appeal a lost cause. the court has also set a date to his trial which is to begin next week. Once news broke out that he was in custody, his men sang like a canary and gave the authorities everything they needed to cement the case against him in exchange for a lesser sentence. They also gave them what they needed to go after all of Marcus contacts and other crime lords. Everything just fell like dominoes.

Marcus is facing life in prison with no possibility of parole. in my opinion, he deserves far worse. The fucking bastard should have died that day and not Hallie.

Hallie... just saying her name bring me to my knees. the pain of losing her has not lessened. in fact the pain has just grown stronger. I miss her terribly and i don't think i could ever stop. It hasn't gotten any easier. Ty and Michy miss her terribly as well. Ty still cries for her in his sleep and not even my comfort can bring him peace and lessen the longing and grief he feels over losing his mom.

I closed my eyes. Took a deep breath.

"Sir," Jerry said, interrupting my

I looked around and found that we have arrived.

I grabbed the flowers beside me and stepped out of my car.

I walked and tried to ignore the security around me. we've added security for the family. We just never know what Marcus could pull. With such publicity going around his case and the way my family is connected, we can't be certain what other enemies are lurking around us.

"You can wait here," I ordered, leaving no room for argument. I need some privacy and they can watch me from a few feet away.

I ran my fingers through her name and placed the flowers on top of her headstone.

"Hi sweetheart. I miss you," my voice cracked as i could no longer contain my emotion. "i'm sorry. i know I keep saying that the next time I visit I would no longer cry, but I can't help it. I know it's been months, but I still miss you. I still long for
you and grieve for you...." I said tearfully. I took a deep breath as I tried to change my tone. "Ty has officially called me daddy! Did i tell you that?" I said in a chuckle. "You already know don't you. Of course you do, I just told you yesterday," I smiled. "Michy's got it in her head that cookie is the only thing she likes, so i'm having trouble getting her to eat, but Katie seemed to know what to do so she's been helping me out a lot," I said. "i know. I know, it's my own fault for not being able to say no to her," I laughed. "Our little cookie monster... she's got me wrapped around her finger and she knows it. She has me eating out of the palm her hands. How could I not. she has your eyes. One look from her and I'm putty in her hands," I chuckled. "But don't worry, I know I have to be tough. I promise i'm working on it, so don't go giving me a stink eye."

My smile turned to tears. I went down on one knee and leaned on my other as I placed my hand on her headstone. "I miss you so much. I wish you were here, so you can scold me and tell me that I'm spoiling them," I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat. "I just... I want to hear your voice again. I'd give anything to hear our voice again," I breathed. "Baby, it still hurts so much," I sobbed.

It took me a few moments to get myself
together. When I did, I ran my fingers across her name one last time and closed my eyes.

"I love you, sweetheart. I'll see you tomorrow."


"I'm paying you a ton of money, so I expect results!" I growled at my lawyer.

"I understand, but with the crimes you're charged with. Bail is out of the question," he explained.

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