Chapter 33

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After the whole package incident, Damien insisted that we move somewhere else, so now we're staying at his old penthouse suite. He has also tightened security and added more security detail to watch over us. Honestly, I'm just thankful. As much as it is awkward having someone watching you and following you all the damn time, it makes me feel safe.

I just want this whole thing to be over. I know that everyone is doing everything they can to find a Marcus, but it just seems like it's taking forever. The longer it takes, the more fearful and worried I get that something terrible is going to happen.

I shook my head. I can't be thinking like this. I have to stay strong.

"Here let me take them," Martha offered as I just finished feeding Ty and Michy when my phone rang.

I looked at the caller and didn't recognize the number.

I frowned. "Hello?"

"Hello, Hallie."

I froze. Marcus.

Laughter rang on the other line. "Cat got your tongue?"

I looked over at the guys watching me and said, "i'm heading to our room," I said. It's the only place I get privacy.

"What do you want?" I asked once I was inside the bedroom and was impressed by how steady and firm my voice sounded.

He laughed again.  "You've gotten stronger have you?"

"I'm no longer afraid of you, Marcus."

"You think your billionaire lover and that security team can protect you from me?"

"It's best if you let us be. You can't touch us," I said.

He snickered. "You'd think that wouldn't you?" He said. "You should have stayed hidden you little bitch. Now you've just made it so much easier to find you," he grounded out.

"I'm done hiding. You won't win this, Marcus. You'll get caught and you'll finally pay for all your crimes."

He laughed again. "I always win. I'd be sleeping with one eye open from now on if I were you. You'll never know when I'll get to you," he warned. "And I will get to you."

A shiver ran down my spine.

"By the way? Did you like my present?" He laughed wickedly.

I ended the call, my hand shaking. I fell on the chair beside me as tears filled my eyes.

What do I do?

God... how?


"We've got to fucking do something," I said to Nate. "I can't watch her go through this. She's trying to be strong, but I can see how fucking terrified she is."

"I've spoken to Diaz and DeSouza and they said that they can get then into WITSEC. Hallie knows enough to expose Marcus and his crimes. He said I only need to say the word and it's done."

WITSEC? Does it have to come to that? Kat was part of the program before.


"If she agrees, I'll be going with them."

Nate didn't look surprised. "I knew you'd say that," he said.

"There's no way I'm losing them."

"It's temporary. Just until we catch Marcus. It's only a matter of time. I've got CI's working the street trying to get some information where we can find him."

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