Chapter 17

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As we were laying down, Hallie turned towards and asked, "How did I let it get so far as to have allowed him the chance to hurt my son? I knew he was dangerous, but I still stayed."

"Don't do that. You protected them as much as you can. You were terrified of him. It's a normal reaction to a man who abused his role as your husband and father to your kids."

"He's not my husband. We weren't married," Hallie said vehemently.

I nodded. I'm glad she wasn't married to the bastard.  It hurt me to say the words husband.

"You don't even realize how strong you are," I said. "You got out the moment it happened. The moment he laid a finger on your son. Not every one has the strength to do what you did. It's sad, but true. My aunt Olivia has dealt with a lot of these cases in the past and to this day."

"You're Aunt?"

I nodded. "She runs an organization and foundation that helps abused women and later on children as well."

"She sounds amazing," she mused.

I nodded with a smile. "She is. One of the strongest women I know. You'd love her, just as she'd love you."

Hallie blushed.

"You'll meet her soon."

"It must be hard to hear painful stories like that everyday."

I nodded in agreement. "She was raped by a man my Uncle once trusted and considered a friend. It caused a lot of grief, time apart,and misunderstanding between them, but once the truth came out on what really happened, my Uncle made it his mission to make the man who hurt his wife, the woman he loves pay for what he did."

"Where is he now?" She asked.

"Still rotting in jail."

"I can't imagine how painful and hard that was."

"It was, but love sailed them through it all."

She gave me a look of awe.

"What?" I asked softly.

She shook her head. "Nothing. It just amazes me how... I don't know. It's just that most people think that rich and powerful people are Gods or somethings like that. It's just weird to hear and actually witness how normal you all are," then she winced. "I didn't mean it like that," she said sheepishly, making me chuckle. "You know what I mean. I just mean that you're all so close and so kind and so loving. It's like a dream. A fairytale. It just doesn't seem real."

"And rich people tend to have the reputation that we're snobs and almighty?"

She nodded. "Something like that."

"That's true too. For some. Not with us though. I guess we have to thank our parents and their parents for that," I chuckled. "They raised us to always value love, family, and friendship more than the power and money we have. Money and power can't buy happiness. It is the people that we surround ourselves that put true meaning and value in life. And we are just like everyone. It just so happens that we're more privileged than some, but we are still just like everyone else,"'I said. "We burp and fart like everyone," I added and she giggled and it was the sweetest sound I have ever heard. It made my heart stop for a second that I forgot to breathe.

"You should do that more often," I said softly.



She frowned and scrunched her nose in dislike.

I chuckled. "It's cute."

"It's embarrassing," she countered.

"It's not."

She smiled.

"I don't even remember the last time I laughed or giggled for that matter."

I frowned at that.

"There hasn't really been much of a reason to smile or laugh."

"Well I'm going to make it my mission to make you smile and laugh everyday."

She smiled again.

"I really don't know how to thank you," she said.

"Trusting me and giving me a chance to help you is thanks enough."


"Trusting me and giving me a chance to help you is thanks enough," he said.

I smiled, but I felt guilty inside because I knew that I still don't trust him. Not completely.

"I'm trying," I said.

"I know," he responded.

"Come on, let's get some rest. It's a new day tomorrow."

I nodded.

"Don't worry. Nate and the guys, they're the best at what they do and they're family. I trust them with my life and the life of the people I love. Two of them wouldn't be married to my sisters if I didn't. And one of them is my twin," he winked at me.

I chuckled. "It's just hard to talk about."

He nodded. "I know. But it does get easier."

I smiled and nodded, my eyes feeling heavy.

I heard him chuckle softly. "Sleep sweetheart."



If only I could stop time. I'd stop this moment and live it forever. I could stare at her and never get tired of it.

She looks so peaceful. Relaxed. I can actually see how young she looks.

I'm afraid to move, not wanting to wake her.

How did this happen? How could this happen so quickly. One moment I was just wishing for someone to come along. And suddenly, here she is and I'm scared shitless. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm losing my mind and at the same time, I've never felt so sane. She makes my heart beat fast and slow at the same time. Time slows down whenever I'm looking at her and I just want to hold her and never let her go.

Who knew love like this could happen so fast?

I shook my head. I finally know what my dad and mom feel for each other. What Nate feels for Lia. Alan and Bella. Dylan and Katherine. Dave and Katie, even if they're both being stubborn about it. I finally understand what love is. How powerful and all-consuming it is. I'd die for this woman and her kids. I'd fight for them. I'd kill for them. I love them with everything in me and I can't imagine my life without them. Now, I just hope she could learn to feel the same way about me.


Hi everyone! I know it's a short chapter, but hang tight, there are more revelations as the story unfolds.

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