Ch.1 - Prologue

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A Welsh word for longing or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret. The feeling of longing for a home that no longer exists or never was. A deep and irrational bond felt with a time, era, place or person.


A slam echoed through the house, the dead silence after it seemed even louder. The young girl hid herself in the corner of her bedroom, her frame shaking with every breath she took. She despised it, she absolutely loathed it. Every time her parents fought it seemed like their insults towards each other was another crack in her heart, she hated it.

The young 5 year old couldn't handle such insincere and petty fights, she simply wanted everyone to get along. Her bright royal blue eyes scanned across the room as she lifted her head from her arms, yet everything was a blur; her eyes in a flurry of tears.

It was always a gamble to see which parent would check on her first, and whichever one did would always comfort her; though not in the way she wanted. What Senshi wanted was reassurance, yet as her father walked in and picked up the girl from her corner and sat down with her on her purple bed, he began to say that it was only because he and her mother loved each other. Along with lies like that, both would always say things such as "She/he can be so arrogant sometimes." and "That woman/man can be so spiteful sometimes." And all Senshi could do was nod along, having no clue what half the things they said meant.

Another thing Senshi came to loathe as she grew older, was the fact that one day her parents could be at each other's throats, the next acting as if nothing ever happened. I mean, people do say forgive and forget, but Senshi hated the fake attitude towards anyone who didn't live in the house. The lie of a happy family who seemed perfect to the public eye, and only Senshi knew the truth; well, her cat too.

Every time her parents fought, Senshi could never stop her tears. It sounded stupid to cry over such things, her not even being involved, but her body would always give into her true emotions; her sobbing at her parents' arguments. Yet, as Senshi grew older, she always sought comfort in the family cat, Tsuki.

The feline would always seem to know when Senshi was feeling blue, and then snuggle up to the girl. Senshi would always relish in the warmth and comfort Tsuki gave her, it being the true reassurance she needed. The grey cat having royal blue eyes much like her own, and grey fur that was always soft.

At age 6 Senshi came about a situation that really made her who she is, the actions occurring shaping her personality like clay. It was a regular Saturday for Senshi, the family of three (plus Tsuki) eating their breakfast, her parents holding a light conversation. The family were due to go out to the local botanical gardens, Senshi rather excited for a family outing for a change.

Yet all went down hill when the family actually got to said botanical gardens, Senshi was always taught to voice her opinions, so she did just that.

"Mommy, that dress you're wearing doesn't look very nice."

It may not have been a very nice comment, but it was true! There were too many flowers with all sorts of colours on them that simply didn't go well together, Senshi's mother looked at her daughter with a shocked look. Her precious daughter had never said anything like that before, her father too looking rather shocked at her daughter's words.

"Well what do you think?" Senshi's mother asked her father. Ah of course she has to ask his opinion before scolding her. Senshi's father didn't know what to say, he could lie and say the dress was beautiful, or he could tell the truth and say that maybe the dress isn't exactly the prettiest.

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