Ch.3 - A New Tune

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Ch.3 - A New Tune

A week had passed since the day he saw her, and honestly, he couldn't get his mind off of her. It was stupid to him, not knowing someone and now having a complete infatuation with them. He didn't even knew if she was his soulmate! She could have been anyone's! But even so, he couldn't get side tracked.

At some point in the week, he felt extremely sad, almost bursting into tears that simply weren't his own. He didn't know how to handle a sad person, let alone someone he didn't know. So he went along and did things that made him happy, with the subconscious hope that his soulmate wouldn't be so melancholy. It was weird, he didn't care about other people like this, he barely even knew if he wanted a soulmate. Yet for some reason, he felt obligated to help.

Then all of his thoughts were put to a halt when a letter was pushed through his door, one with the UA emblem on the seal. Across the city, the same was happening to her. Her sapphire eye scanned across the letter, her father putting it in her hands as he walked out of his daughter's study; which was more of a piano room.

Whichever tune Senshi was playing had come to a stop, her piano teacher who just so happened to be her Nana, gazing at the letter in her granddaughter's hands with her own sapphire eyes.

"Well come on! Open it Sen!" It seemed as though Senshi's Nana was more excited about this than Senshi herself.

Senshi was nervous, what if she failed? What would she do then? She has plenty of talents, but she wants to be a hero! Her hands shook slightly, the envelope still unopened. Her Nana placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, just where her soulmate mark was.

"I bet you'll get in, how could they not take someone as amazing as you? And maybe if you get in, I'll play the song." Her Nana suggested. The song that she was suggesting was one Senshi just couldn't play, even with 9+ years of piano under her belt; it simply didn't sound right when she did it. It was Senshi's favourite purely because if Senshi were ever to go to her Nana's house, and was upset, it always made her happy.

Senshi inhaled, then ripped open the envelope, the wax seal sticking to the flap. Inside there was a disc and a letter. Senshi, not sure what to do, placed the disc on the top of her piano and placed the letter on her lap.

A hologram projection of All Might was displayed, and then it began to play.

 "I am here to tell young Tate here her entrance exam results!" The projection announced it a happy voice. It was no wonder that Senshi and her Nana were utterly shocked, I mean, it's not everyday that this happens.

"The truth is, I didn't come to this city just to fight villains, you're looking at the newest UA faculty member!-" Well, that was surely a shocker. Senshi could at least credit him for keeping this quiet from the media. "-Young lady, you passed the written exam with an excellent grade, and as for the practical exam you had 61 combat points, which is incredible on its own. However, there were other factors! In the practical exam we don't just have combat points, we have rescue points!-" Where exactly was he going with this? Was all Senshi could wonder"- A panel of judges watches and they award points for heroic actions, you young Tate got 15 rescue points which gives you a grand total of 76 points!" All Might continued in a proud voice "Welcome Tate Senshi, to the Hero Academia!" 

And with that, the disc shut off. Leaving the room with a silence that echoed around the room. Senshi had never seen an old woman have so much energy. Her Nana stood up and began to walk around while shouting "Yay!".

Senshi remembers why she loves that woman so much. Senshi couldn't help the smile that grew on her face, not only at her Nana dancing around the small piano room, but at the new she had just received. 

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