Ch.19 - Rescue Trial

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Ch.19 - Rescue Trial

The final day of the internships marked Senshi's release from the hospital, though before returning home Senshi did go to Miruko's apartment. The Sunday was pleasant, sunny with a slight breeze, signalling summer's return.

Truth is, Miruko had been feeling some slight guilt. She had known that it was an irresponsible thing to do, yet Miruko reminded herself of the fact that Senshi was fine. Though apart from guilt, Miruko felt extremely proud of Senshi. The girl had really gone above and beyond Miruko's expectations, she handled the situation well, and the best part was that no one was injured.

"I have high hopes for ya kid." Miruko said as Senshi stood on her doorstep. Senshi smiled, slightly soaking up the compliment.

"I- Thanks, I also just want to say thank you for inviting me to intern with you." Senshi thanked.

"Awww it's no problem girlie, I hope to see you doing great things in the future." Miruko continued as she patted Senshi's head.

"I-I'll try."

"Nu-uh girl! You will!"

"Okay okay, I will be doing great things."

"That a girl! Now, of ya go! Greatness doesn't come from standin' around!" Miruko was right, and as Senshi walked away with a small smile as she waved, Miruko couldn't help but feel a sense of repose. Senshi may not have seen it, but Miruko saw just how much the girl had changed in a week. Senshi had become slightly more confident with herself, Senshi's overall physical strength had grown amazingly, and most of all, Senshi had proved to not only Miruko, but most of Shibuya, that she was worthy of being a hero. If that wasn't a success, Miruko didn't know what was!

Though for now, Miruko couldn't help the girl anymore, Senshi had to help herself now.


The Monday back from the internships was interesting to say the least. Most of class 1A wanted to make sure Senshi was okay, and that involved a lot of invasion of personal space (hugging) and convincing people that Senshi was in fact okay.

One of the first hero training lessons the students returned back to was a race of sorts. Though unfortunately for Senshi, she couldn't participate due to 'still needing to recover'. Not only that, her hero costume was being re-made as it was definitely torn to shreds.

The class were currently at what looked to be an industrial maze, metal pipes and tanks filling up an extremely large training area.

"I am here! I hope you are all ready to return to all of your lessons. Today it's hero basic training, it feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back! Now then listen carefully for what's in store, we're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learnt from your internships and apply it to this rescue training." All Might began, most listening attentively.

"If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?!" Iida said while shooting his hand up, ultimately interrupting All Might's instructions.

"Ahh, That facility specializes in disasters. As I said earlier this is a race, so prepare! You're about to step into field Gamma. Inside is an area of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck trying to find your way around. You'll be competing in groups of five, each person starts at a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you'll do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins, but try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum please. " All Might finished pointing at Bakugo causing Senshi to breathe out a laugh. Senshi was to still watch the activity to 'learn' from her classmates.

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