Ch.38 - Diamond

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Ch.38 - Diamond

The five chosen to rob the jewellery store managed to infiltrate the building, silently at that. As there were five different jewels to retrieve, the five infiltrating the building only had to retrieve one each. The precious items that needed to be stolen were relatively in sight, them being the five biggest diamonds each on their own stand to form a pentagon shape.

Senshi was the first to retrieve a diamond, the other four being relatively quick. The other five that weren't directly participating in the robbery, were waiting outside the store, all in cars of their own. Katsuki seemed extremely satisfied with the car he received, it being a rather expensive looking car that could go fast.

The five inside of the store had seemed to have all acquired their gem, and were now working their way out of the building; which consisted of climbing out of a window. Sero had been the first, walking swiftly to his shared car with Kirishima; the red head already in the driver's seat.

And so it continued with Jiro, then Asui, then Yaoyorozu, and finally Senshi. Senshi had no complaints about going last, none what so ever. But seeing as she was the last, that meant that the heroes were literally already there.

So, how did Senshi get out of this one? Well, great question. And the answer, is a mess. First, Mineta had been waiting right in the alleyway she needed to be in in order to escape, he was obviously going to attempt to stick her to a surface, so trapping him in a dome seemed logical. Then, using her quirk to power her movements, she made a break for the car. Which was successful, if you count success as having to blow up Dark Shadow in the face because the annoying thing was waiting right around the corner from Senshi.

Needless to say, the moment Senshi got in the car, Katsuki's foot was flat down on the gas, leading to Senshi being literally forced into her seat. "Could you have gone any fucking slower?"

"Yes, now chop chop." Senshi said, placing the jewel (which was in a bag) in the footwell of the passenger seat. She was immediately on lookout -as best as one can whilst your soulmate is choosing to break several speeding limits.

Thankfully, the rest of the villains had seemed to be out of sight, but the heroes had somehow acquired several cars, and so, now it was a high-speed car chase around a faux city. Senshi could see them gaining via the wing-mirrors, and to be honest, who knew a group of fifteen and sixteen year olds knew how to drive cars so well?

Not Senshi.

The boy swerved around the corner much to fast for comfort, Senshi unconsciously letting out a yelp as she checked her seatbelt. Yes, she trusted Katsuki most times, but Katsuki in a car? No.

"Oi, Skater- "Senshi turned to look at him "-get on the roof and fire at 'em."


"Get on the fucking roof and shoot at them!" Katsuki reiterated, his eyes completely focused. Senshi's heart was beating out of her chest, this was so dangerous, but then again, she was itching to do it.

Senshi opened the sun-roof of the car, there being an immediate gust of wind flushing throughout the car. Senshi undid her seat belt, which was the only thing that made Senshi feel somewhat comfortable in this situation, and began to climb out. It was clear that by the look on Kaminari's face, that this was completely reckless and very stupid. But then again, it was going to work because physics allowed it to.

Senshi got onto the room, her placing an arch around her ankle connecting to the roof so she wouldn't fall off, and then began to shoot. The feeling of the wind rushing on her back, it created a cold blanket of adrenaline for her to bask in..... it was amazing.

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