Ch.5 - Epiphany

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Ch.5 - Epiphany

The next day had begun peacefully, there being only a few clouds in sight; the spring air leaving a pinch on people's skin. The cherry blossoms were swaying in the slight breeze, their petals hanging on their branched for their lives. As Senshi walked to school that day, her hair swayed in the breeze; yet still restrained to a low ponytail.

There was a buzz of excitement in her heart, not only from yesterday's news, but because she had a good feeling about today. Her gut feeling told her that something good was due to occur, yet what that was was unknown. She slipped into the classroom, people conversing and greeting others just like people do.

It was inevitable to get lonely, and honestly Senshi did get lonely; it felt like a negative encasement around her heart, a crippling feeling. And she always thought about befriending someone, yet that only made her feel worse.

So, Senshi learnt to be happy doing her own things, but not only that, seeing others happy elated her mood. Senshi continued to mindlessly write more sheet music that she had began yesterday.

"Is that sheet music you're writing?" A female voice asked from behind Senshi's right shoulder. The girl in questioning jumped at the sudden voice, not expecting the sudden conversation. Senshi turned to see a girl with black hair in a high pony tail, she had black eyes too.

"Y-yeah." Damn, the stutter, as if her voice wasn't quiet as is! Senshi was internally insulting her shyness at this moment, as the girl continued to talk.

"What instrument is it for? It looks rather complicated." The girl's voice was calming, not to sharp and questioning; Senshi could appreciate it.

"W-well, it's for the piano.... which I play." Senshi replied in a quiet tone, the girl's eyes seemingly lighting up.

"Oh wow! I play the piano too, how coincidental. I forgot to mention, my name is Yaoyorozu Momo." Yaoyorozu replied, maybe Senshi would make a friend today,

"Y-yeah, my name is Tate Senshi." Senshi introduced, her voice still quiet. Yaoyorozu's kind features were in a smile, as she began to reply.

"Nice to meet you Tate-chan-" Yayorozu began, though before she could continue Aizawa-sensei opened the door dramatically; making everyone scramble back into their designated seats.

Senshi had decided that she didn't need anymore conversations for the rest of the day, Aizawa-sensei beginning his morning announcements as she decided on that thought.

"Good morning class, for the morning you will have regular classes, and then after your lunch break you'll have hero training. More specifically battle training. There isn't much yet to relay to you all, so I have nothing else to say. Have a good day." Aizawa-sensei concluded swiftly, before walking out of the classroom. Though his position was quickly exchanged with Present Mic's, class 1A having their first English class.


"I am here! Coming through the door like a hero!" All Might announced as he walked through the door. The room was suddenly filled with gasps and many people fanboying/girling."Welcome to the most important class at UA High, think of it as heroing 101. Here you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight in the name of good!-" Senshi wished her parents knew how to do that"- Lets get into today lesson where we will pull no punches. But one of the keys of being a hero isssss..... looking good! These were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms, and a request you sent in before school started. Get yourselves suited up and then meet me at training ground Beta." All Might ordered, as he clicked a button on a remote. What happened next amazed Senshi, rows of cases that were numbered 1-20 protruded out of the wall.

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