Ch.39 - Altercation

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Ch.39 - Altercation 

The blood ran down her cheek onto her once pristine school shirt, merging with the red of her tie, eventually dripping onto the tile floor. Senshi's eyes were watering slightly, no tears falling however. It was purely out of shock and frustration. The girl's head remained to the side, until she turned to look her mother in the eyes.

It was only then that everyone else in the room actually saw what had the girl so spooked. Most people covered their mouth in horror, or their eyes simply widened in shock. Senshi took an audible breath in and out, before making a move. 

"Honestly, what was I expecting? You both are just like some pampered royalty that gets everything handed to you on a silver platter, though when it's the truth that is brutally shoved in your faces, you despise it. The only thing that you both are, are two bratty kids that will throw a strop at the word 'no'." Senshi sighed, her sapphire eyes burning like a blue fire.

Her father was the one to make the next move. He strode over menacingly, his frozen blue eyes glaring into her soul. She would have been scared before, but now wasn't before, now was now. The girl stood her ground, her feet digging into the ground through her grey slippers that the school supplied.

He was standing extremely close to her, his right hand coming towards her. She was curious as to what he was going to do, so remained still. She really hoped that they wouldn't fight; as in  physically. He grabbed the front of the girl's collar, picking her up off of the floor. Senshi was panicking slightly, the reason being that the school shirts had thin collars that trapped their neck very uncomfortably. If she could barely breathe normally, she couldn't breathe at all now. She kept her cool though, she was in front of at least fifty people here, plus, she was going to be a hero.

"That's no way to speak to your parents." Her father growled, his blue eyes staring into her own.

"And this is no way to treat your daughter, detective." Senshi smirked, her face slightly red. She then pulled her right arm back, and proceeded to punch the man in the face with the added force of her quirk. Now Senshi wasn't the only person bleeding.

Her father's hand let go of her shirt within a few seconds, and the girl stumbled back taking a deep breath in. Senshi could already feel the sheer amount of gazes that bore into her, and that made Senshi slightly regret her and Katsuki's plan. But the sheer look of slight regret in her parents eyes made Senshi grin like a maniac.

"Tāte Senshi! You did not just punch your father!" Her mother hollered, the girl in question leaning casually against the kitchen island.

"You're correct, I didn't.-" The girl took a breath in with a smile "-I gave him a taste of his own medicine." Her head was tilted to the side like a sweet innocent child that was hoping for a candy bar, or a new toy of some sorts. 

Honestly, the girl couldn't believe how long she was trapped in the illusion that was her parents; her love for them was unconditional, and even now, it no longer exists. Though love is danger, and just like the simple human she was, she followed it, no matter what the damage and pain caused. Her love had burnt out for them, like the fire that crackled slowly in the fireplace. But their fires were still raging, burning like a forest fire, not for love, but for anger at her.

Sometimes, in these situations, Senshi wished to disappear. But sometimes, you think you want to disappear, but all you really want is to be found. And this moment, this moment is the moment that Senshi found herself.

"You, young lady, you don't understand how furious I am right now! All we try to do is talk to you, and you always make everything unnecessarily difficult for us!" Natsuko continued, her rant never seeming to cease. It was this time that the girl seemed to take notice of the blood that was soaking the left side of her shirt, and was spreading over to the right side. Literally, how did she not notice that? Of course she felt it, she knew she was bleeding, but to that extent, no she did not know.

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