Ch.31 - Glide

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Ch.31 - Glide

The dawn that welcomed the world was much different for two people than it was for many others. Truth was, Katsuki had fallen asleep holding Senshi close in a hug that could only be compared to that of bear. Senshi had began to run her fingers through his surprisingly long hair, the soothing action somehow lulling her into a sleep of her own.

It was weird, for once, sleep was actually enough for their tired souls.

Katsuki was an early riser... normally. Funnily enough, nothing about this was normal, and so both slept in. Well, as much as they were allowed before an alarm was the intruder to their tranquillity.

Senshi had been closest to the object, and had promptly shut it off with her eyes closed. Senshi groaned, subconsciously holding onto the body of warm next to her. Her thoughts were hyperactive the moment she realised why there was a lingering scent burnt sugar throughout the air, and she didn't know whether to be embarrassed, or to relish in it for a few more moments.

The boy next to her took a deep breath of the cold air, most likely in an attempt to wake himself up. He rubbed his left eye with the heel of his palm, and found that he couldn't move his other arm, a pressure on it that wouldn't allow such a movement.

He opened his eyes, they burnt slightly a the new introduction to air, but he did see that he was in fact holding very close to someone. And with that he remembered most everything that happened no more than a few hours ago. He was grateful, obviously, and also slightly hopeful that maybe, just maybe, everything he had with her, would turn into something more.

(But isn't it stupid to fall in love with a stranger? Were they strangers anymore?)

Once Senshi had become informed about the fact that Katsuki was on house arrest, she had many questions that would go unanswered. According to the miniscule details that Katsuki would give, he and Midoriya go into a fight, a physical one at that.

She knew that they definitely had unsaid tensions between them, and a lot of unsaid truths, so Senshi hoped that maybe it was good for them? Though then again, Katsuki hadn't been exactly too happy when she arrived at his dorm last night, but was that any different from the past month.

Yes but no.

No, as in he hadn't been that sad before. Yes, as in he had been sad before. Senshi didn't know whether to look at it in a positive light, or a negative one. But as of now, she was late for school, and that was much more of a problem as she hadn't even gotten dressed yet.


Three days had passed, and now Senshi was currently fighting with her upperclassmen. And she definitely wasn't winning at that. Why? Well, there are a lot of reasons.

The first one was this idea of a 'work study', it had been mentioned in the opening ceremony three days ago, and no one in the class had a clue about its existence. Senshi hadn't questioned it much, if she didn't know, there was probably a reason. 

The second reason was that the 'work study' was to now be explained by three very different third years. One was shy, much like Senshi in a sense, one was extremely bubbly and in general extroverted. The final one seemed to be a balance of the two, though leaning more towards the extroverted side of the spectrum.

Senshi had become extremely flustered by the girl of the group - the bubbly one- had gotten all up in her face about how she was kidnapped, and how cool Senshi was because she survived it. Senshi had politely yet awkwardly nodded along.

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