Ch.18 - Fuzzy

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Ch.18 - Fuzzy

Bakugo physically couldn't take his eyes of the screen of the TV in his hotel room. It was broadcasting the building that had caught fire in central Shibuya, and surprisingly Miruko had come to the rescue; with her new intern too. Why is it a surprise? You ask, well, this kind of situation called for rescue heroes, Miruko being combat oriented basically meant that this wasn't necessarily what she was known for.

That wasn't what had Bakugo captivated, no, it was Miruko's intern. He had briefly talked to Senshi about who she was interning with, though she had said it hadn't been confirmed; so in the end Bakugo had no idea who she was going with. Well that was until now when he saw his soulmate run into a burning building, he wasn't worried..... he was concerned

He had waltzed into his hotel room at around 5pm, after another day of hair-spray and patrol, just putting on the news because he had nothing else to watch; after all hotel TVs don't have any good TV shows. And then his interest peaked when the reporter mentioned something about "Miruko and her new intern saving people in a burning building", and that led to now; Bakugo sat on his hotel bed, his eyes not leaving the screen for a moment.

Miruko had left the building, carrying three people at that. Yet what concerned Bakugo was that Senshi hadn't left the building, or as the reporters were referring to her as "Power Field". Senshi hadn't actually verbally said her name, so he didn't catch it.

Within the next few minutes, a window was smashed on the top floor, a staircase seemingly made out of  a blue transparent energy coming out of it. He would definitely not admit that he felt somewhat relieved, though that didn't mean all of his concern had been snuffed quite yet. An old woman began to climb out, walking down the stairs.

Bakugo could see his soulmate begin to climb out of the window, though before she could even set a foot outside, the building collapsed. Bakugo could feel panic and dread surge though him, whether those feelings were his, he didn't know. He could hear the reporter shout in panic, as well as the audio from those around the scene.

She and the boy she was carrying were nowhere in sight, beneath the rubble. His concern was spiked, no one, not even All Might, would get out of that unharmed. So the fact that a fifteen year old girl was stuck under there with a child, was not exactly promising. Good news, the fire was out, though Bakugo couldn't care less.

Where, the fuck, was his soulmate?

His crimson red eyes bore into the TV screen for what felt like hours, when in reality it was only five minutes. Bakugo did breathe for those minutes, at least that's what it felt like. Watching the pros and any form of emergency service try so desperately to dig up the rubble which everyone was watching with anticipation, it was a deathly silence.

Then they were found, the reported began to talk again, his tone that of relief. First the boy was found, taken into an ambulance. He looked fine, but Bakugo was still concerned for Senshi. It was true gore, genuinely disgusting. I mean, she had a metal pole, going through her fucking abdomen. If that isn't disgusting Bakugo didn't know what was.

But for some reason, he simply felt as though he had to continue watching; for Senshi's sake. His subconscious was telling him to do this for the reason that he was her soulmate, aka it was his job to make sure she was safe; but Bakugo himself really wasn't sure.

Even with the TV now turned off, he couldn't stop thinking about it. She could have died, wait........ is she dead?


The bumps in the road were the things Senshi was focusing on, not the paramedic placing an oxygen mask on her face, not the other paramedic giving Senshi pain medication; just the calming things. Senshi could feel herself fading, but she didn't want to fall asleep, that would be bad. Though the thought of a sweet blissful sleep was also tugging at her eyelids.

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