Ch.36 - Expressive

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Ch.36 - Expressive

Strolling up to her bed, her limbs feeling heavy and non-compliant, yet her body still arrived at her dorm room. Tsuki has been at her feet as she walked through the dorm building, and the moment the door opened to her private room, the cat actually decided to use his bed for once.

Senshi sighed in defeat sitting down at her desk in the dark. She switched her lamp on and weakly pulled out her thick textbook from her book-filled backpack. Her school uniform felt more uncomfortable than usual, it was as if her body knew that she should be in her pyjamas.

The room hung dim with the girl who held her head in her hands as she forced her eyes to scan over the book. She had completed most of the required work for the day she missed in class, but studying for tests wasn't something the teachers could directly aid with.

After letting out a defeated sigh, Senshi stood up from her chair, the legs of the chair scraping against the wooden floor. She walked over to her closet and changed into sweatpants and a sweater, it was the least she could do to keep herself at least somewhat awake.

It didn't help. Senshi sat back at her desk, her hand on her chin as she lazily read over the work she was supposed to be paying attention to. Her breathing slowed as her head dipped past the support of her hand, only her the girl to whip her neck back up in the attempt to stay awake.

Though her attempt was futile, as the girl drowsily laid her head on her arm as her eyelids shielded the faint light of the desk lamp.

Katsuki knocked lightly on the door of his soulmate. He was rather annoyed due to the fact that she hadn't showed up to his dorm room yet. And yes, they had agreed (silently) that they could go to each others' room, so in reality there wasn't really a reason for him to be mad.

After a minute of waiting outside her door with no reply, he decided to invite himself in; he felt that he deserved that privilege. He poked his head into her room, noticing that there was a meek amount of light coming from her desk.

Glancing around the room further, he noticed that she wasn't in her bed, though her cat seemed to jump onto the piece of furniture as he looked at the feline. He stepped into the dim room that was slightly cold, closing the door softly behind him.

He simply rolled his carmine eyes once seeing the dumbass he calls his soulmate asleep at her desk. Though now he needed to find a way to move her to her bed. What! It would be bad for her neck and back if she slept like that! No other reason...

He pulled her chair out from her desk lightly as to not create much noise, continuing to turn off the desk lamp. It was a good thing he could see rather well in the dark, or else he may have experienced some unnecessary difficulties.

With utmost car-reluctance, Katsuki picked the girl up from underneath her arms and pulled her onto his front, allowing it so that her head was on his shoulder. He could feel his face getting hot, and simply internally cursed himself.

He carried her across the small distance of her room and placed her onto her bed, him laying next to her a few moments later; and remembering to take out her hearing aids, because apparently they were uncomfortable to sleep in. It was a miracle that she didn't wake up (little did he know that she could sleep through a lot), and he was slightly grateful too. What kind of idiot falls asleep studying? Well, apparently, his idiot.


"Bakugo! You needs to stop adding in your own things!" Jiro begged, sounding rather tired. The band group had been practicing fervently, some more than others.

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