Ch.15 - Rabbits

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Ch.15 - Rabbits

The cold air was slightly harsh on her lungs to begin with, but the more she moved, the easier it became to breathe. It might not have been Senshi's finest idea to attend figure skating practice only a few hours after the sports festival, but her choice could not be undone. Senshi could tell that her coach was being slightly less strict (though the woman never was strict), probably seeing as Senshi couldn't stop yawning.

"Ya know Senshi, you should really go home and rest. I can feel the exhaustion radiating off of you." Her coach said, for once Senshi wasn't stubborn about the recommendation. 

Senshi took the scenic route home, well as scenic as Musutafu can get. Walking through the forest at night was something Senshi assumed to be scary, but it really wasn't. It was extremely peaceful, of course every time she heard something remotely out of the ordinary Senshi was on high alert. 

Though something soft rubbing slightly at her ankle did make her heartrate increase. Looking closely at the animal, it was a soft grey rabbit. It seemed weird for such creature to be awake at this time, let alone away from other rabbits. Senshi did calm down, realising that she wasn't going to be murdered. Yet the thought of leaving the rabbit pulled at her heart in a way that reminded her of not having Tsuki around when her parents got into a spat.

Though it was late, the sun no longer shining high in the sky; plus Senshi was tired. Leaving the rabbit with a sad smile, Senshi continued her walk home. She knew this forest particularly well, hearing the water run down the creek was nothing out of the ordinary for her.

The wind blowing through the leaves, leaving a rustling sound. It was peaceful out here, and Senshi could bet that it wouldn't be when she got home, it just felt like a hunch.


It turns out that Senshi's hunch was correct, her parents being worried about her wellbeing and then one accusing the other of not caring enough. Fun. Well that was the past, as the UA granted their students a rest day after the sports festival; mainly for recuperating. Senshi did recuperate, if recuperation is spending all day at a piano because she wanted to play the sheet music she made, and then altering it endlessly.

As you can tell Senshi is a productive person.

It sounded pleasant in Senshi's opinion, like snow in the dead of night. But it had drama to it, and that was Senshi's personal favourite part.

On the same note of drama, the amount of internship requests for the top three competitors had been quite interesting. Of course Bakugo was slightly outraged to see that he had in fact come third to Senshi's second and Todoroki's first.

Todoroki- 4123

Tate - 4020

Bakugo- 3556

Tokoyami- 360

Iida- 301

Kaminari- 272

Yaoyorozu- 108




Once again, Senshi was more than satisfied with her results; four thousand-and-twenty offers into anything to be ungrateful for. Thinking about it logistically, Senshi would have to choose one that would benefit her quirk or strength. So that at least narrowed down the options somewhat.

"In the past years it's been more spread out, but there's a pretty big gap this time." Aizawa-sensei annotated. Said man had no longer got a body cast full of bandages on, claiming that Recovery Girl went overboard. 

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