Ch.30 - Alexithymia

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Ch.30 - Alexithymia

Senshi and one hundred others stared intently at the board of names, scanning for their name that would signal their acceptance. The second part to the examination had just completed roughly ten minutes ago. The fight against Gang Orca had gone rather abysmal for some, and for others it was simply annoying to watch two people too caught up in their heads to realise that they were affecting others. Senshi had kept to trapping Gang Orca in a dome, all white taking care of the minions of his. Oh and did I mention that Senshi was very close to slapping some sense into the half-and-half boy in her class? Luckily for him, the black haired girl was more focused on her own endeavours.

Once that... situation was over, everyone had re-dressed back into their school uniforms. Most people looked slightly scruffy, their hair being slightly untamed compared to when they arrived, and a thin sheen of sweat at their hair line.

Mera was going on about "Thank you for your hard work" or something or other, then once the man finally finished the unimportant speech, he pressed a button revealing those who passed. Senshi scanned across the ninety or so names remaining, her eyes never having move so fast.

The roughed up students were one of two things, happy, or sad. Senshi's eyes darted around the board, not caring that it was alphabetical order. She let out a breath, her frame visibly relaxing as her heart swelled with joy; as if she were a child in a sweet store. She had passed, though Senshi didn't know what else she was expecting exactly. Failure? Maybe, but she hadn't known the scoring system, so there could've been a chance.

Look behind her, and noticing the emotions of her soulmate that weren't so fond, she was back to scanning the board. 

He didn't pass?

Here eyes filled with sympathy, she looked at him. His mouth was open slightly, signalling that he too wasn't expecting the outcome. His body was visibly tense and defensive, and his facial expressions showed anger, but Senshi saw that in his eyes he was truly conflicted. He seemed to be so disappointed, but also so sad at the same time. And she wasn't just guessing, she knew. She could feel it.

And as she saw him snap at his classmates as if he couldn't care less, there was less bite than usual. It was a slightly deflated offense, no one else seemed to notice it however, maybe she was the only that ever would notice small details such as these?

"Shoulda been more careful of what you said, words are important you know." Kaminari's statement made Katsuki seem like an actual demon from hell, if Katsuki was screaming when he was mad, he was so angry he was silent. Or was he even angry?

Conclusion, he wasn't.

"Shut you mouth before I murder you." Bakugo growled making Kaminari shudder with fear. The less bite part of Senshi's theory had been proven with ease, it was false to say that Senshi wasn't concerned.

"We knocked off points when you did something wrong, fall below fifty and you were done. The demerits were itemised on your result forms all you'll see so I'd look at them." Mera continued as some men handed out sheets to all one hundred students who participated.

Senshi took hers with a small "Thank you" and began to read over it.

Tate Senshi: 81 points

According to the HUC members, Senshi needed to hesitate less, and should always prioritise those who need saving rather than fighting. For the latter, Senshi could only assume that the comment was made because some students were already taking care of the situation. The first comment however, she couldn't bare to think about any longer, politely folding the paper in a small square and putting it in a pocket that was sewn in her skirt.

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