Ch.17 - Conflagration

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Ch.17 - Conflagration

It was the fourth day of Senshi's internship, the second and third being nothing more than weight training and combat practice. Senshi had began to really like training, before it seeming like a chore. Though now it was something she enjoyed, Miruko giving Senshi another outlook on the activity. 

The two had also patrolled two times in the span of three days, and today, that grand total was going to climb one. Senshi had admittedly come out of her shell, slightly that is. And she had only come out of her shell (slightly) to Miruko, seeing as the two were basically living together for the week. 

It was also weird to Senshi seeing as she hadn't done any form of figure-skating nor piano that week, it wasn't going to kill her; and it was all fine seeing as she had informed her coach and Nana about it. Though she was missing it of course.

It had appeared that patrol was a really good time to get to know someone. Japan generally was a pretty crime safe country, though of course there were still villain attacks. So the news that the Hero Killer Stain had been captured, had shaken the whole country by storm. Even Senshi was impressed, and usually villainy such as that didn't bother her.

"Okay so, today we'll be patrolling the more central area of Shibuya. The more dense a place is with people, the more crimes that will occur." Miruko instructed as the two began their pursuit to their destination.

The walk wasn't that far, Miruko's apartment being situated just outside of the central area. The city was in its usual buzz, people walking around, trains and trams rolling along their rails, cars going down the roads at speeds their shouldn't.

It was a fake sense of normality, the reason? Because it was what lurked beneath all of that façade, was normal. The villainy, the black-market, drug dealers, everything society pretends not to see. After all, why would heroes exist if there was society's normal?'

As the two were walking down the streets, talking too, alarms began to sound. It was a fire alarm, the city built with alarms that warned its citizens of potential dangers. The fire in question was taking place in a building, though it was rapidly spreading.

"Come on! Lets go sort this out!" Miruko said, as the two began to run towards the fire filled building. "You stay out here and help civilians."

"Wait! My quirk can help!" Senshi pleaded.

"But kid, I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Who said breaking one rule would get me in trouble?" It was a bold move, but Senshi honestly just wanted to help. Miruko smirked, nodding her head in the direction of the building.

Okay, maybe it wasn't everyone's desire to run into a burning building, but if it was a chance to prove yourself, Senshi was going to do it. The building wasn't that tall, seven maybe eight floors. Usually fire-fighters dealt with this kind of thing, yet they weren't here yet were they.

The fire was roaring hot, the flames and smoke filling Senshi's and Miruko's view. Thankfully, fire couldn't pass through Senshi's force fields, so really it was only the smoke they had to worry about.

Miruko knew that what she was about to do was stupid, reckless, and irresponsible for her as a mentor; but in reality she had no other choice. Miruko knew she may get reprimanded for this, but it was logical. "Power Field! Go on up without me!"


"Yes go! Your quirk is better for this than mine!"

Senshi had a feeling of dread in her gut, not necessarily as a warning not to go, but she'd never done anything like this alone. She'd had training, yes, but only a few weeks worth. What was she supposed to do?

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