Ch.10 - A Kickstart

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Ch.10 - A Kickstart

The breeze was meek, barely strong enough to lift a leaf. It was the day after the rest day for the USJ incident, meaning most students were more than ready to return to school. Senshi was rather excited, she didn't know why. A part deep inside of her mind knew why though, it was to see him.

As of right now, Senshi was sat in the class room,  people talking about the news avidly.

"We're totally big deals, those news channels love us, we're basically celebrities ." Kaminari laid back, to which Kirishima agreed.

"Oh, get a hold of yourselves , the hero course that pumps out pros was attacked and that's what they care about." Jiro shut down. Senshi had to agree to Jiro however, they weren't interested in the students per se, news agencies were more interested in the fact that UA's hero course was attacked.

The class room was louder than usual, and it had a right to be. People had gotten over the post-accident fear, and now it was a crazy experience to share with others. Senshi was sat at her desk, being anti-social because she firmly believed that it was the best thing to do. Senshi was doodling some flowers, ones she had seen before in the forest.

As Bakugo walked past her, Senshi offered him a small smile, to which he scoffed. Things had most definitely changed between them, both were no longer at a stage of confusion; now somewhat understanding each other. Senshi would consider Bakugo a friend, yet Bakugo would consider Senshi tolerable.

"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats!" Iida loudly announced, yet there was an irony to his words.

"Uuuhhh, we're all sitting." Kirishima noted.

 "Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero added. This caused Iida to stiffly walk back to his chair and mumble something under his breath.

"Morning class." Aizawa-sensei said, muffled as he walked through the door.

"AIZAWA-SENSEI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Most people exclaimed, shocked at his quick recovery.

"Woah what a pro." Kaminari awed, a fanboy glint in his eyes.

"Aizawa-sensei, I'm glad you're okay!" Iida said, Uraraka eying him weirdly. Senshi had to disagree with Iida, Aizawa-sensei did not look okay.

 "You call that, okay?" Uraraka asked rhetorically in an concerned voice. 

"My wellbeing is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa stated, pausing his sentence causing a great tension to commence. "The UA sports festival is about to start." Aizawa-sensei finished, in his monotone voice.

The class room erupted into cheers of excitement, enthusiasm, and others were quietly celebrating. 

"LETS GO KICK SOME ASS!" Kirishima announced, though he was quickly stopped.

"Wait a second." Kaminari interrupted, placing his hand on Kirishima's face. "Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Kaminari finished, his statement holding the question some wanted the answer to.

"Apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA, it's not something we can cancel because of a few villains." Aizawa-sensei explained, it really was just for UA's image huh?

"I'm sorry but why not?" Mineta spazzed, he seemed to be the 'get nervous at a fly' kind of person.

"Because this event only happens three times in your life, and this way can prove that you can get scouted from heroes across the country." Kirishima added.

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