Ch.26 - Monachopsis

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Ch.26 - Monachopsis

The nine year old girl wandered down the street towards the school she had once attended, her elementary school that is. The day had been pleasant, not just weather-wise, Senshi's first day of middle school had gone rather well in her opinion; though the introduction of a strict uniform wasn't very much appreciated.

From where Senshi was, she could only see the highstreets that had a smaller street leading off of it; on that smaller street was her elementary school. One thing rather controversial was how unprotected and dodgy the school was, and with young children no less. Though it wasn't what she saw that caught her attention, blaring alarms and crisp smell of smoke was the most disturbing part.

Picking up her pace, the girl with once shoulder length hair turned a corner, being greeted by a sight that would forever change her life. That elementary school, the same one her seven year old brother was enrolled in, was bathing in flames.

Senshi began to call out for her brother as she ran forward "HENJIRU!" though letting a nine year old go into a burning building was heavily frowned upon, therefore police and fire-men held the girl back.

It was a villain attack.

A group of villains who had been on the run for quite a while actually. The reason this group of villains had the attention it did was because All Might hadn't made an end to it, as he had with most other organised crime. Though Senshi couldn't have cared less about that, she wanted to make sure her brother was okay.

The school burnt of hours, and even with the assistance of heroes and fire-men, the school was no where near salvageable. Every part of the building seemed black with soot, some walls still being hot to the touch, while others had only collapsed in on themselves. The building was a wreck, that fire obviously not natural, rendering everything burn, broken and  busted.

The boy that had the same black hair as her, the boy who had the same sapphire eyes as her, the boy she could confidently call her closest friend, her baby brother, was no where to be found. And that was the same for everyone else in the building.

The death toll was dreadfully high, hundreds of people being killed and not one having a chance to live. As the moon pulled the night sky over the bright daylight, changing it, Senshi was frozen in regret. Crying her little eyes out before a hero was forced to take her home along with police officers.

One thing that she missed though, was the sapphire blue eyes looking at her, the same sapphire blue eyes she had.


Senshi sat up in her deflated state, her eyes red and puffy from the abundance of tears that were created. The marble floor digging into her joints uncomfortably, though what was more uncomfortable, was having to clean up the mess she had made. Couldn't her parents accept that it was an honest mistake?

They were the trigger of such event after all.

Senshi, if possible, looked worse than when she was in the bar; and she certainly felt it. Sitting on the floor in an awkward position, picking out the porcelain amongst the ashes, had proven to be a great task to do with no thoughts. But Senshi didn't have 'no thoughts', it just appeared that way because her mind was so full, so overwhelmed that it felt like nothingness. Though one thought stuck out to her, and it was crazy that such a thing was salvageable from a brain an broken as hers.

"No matter how much blood I spill. No matter how many people I've kill... Everyone still thinks I'm the hero. Why? All I've done is cause more pain."

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