Ch.25 - Pâro

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Ch.25 - Pâro

The amber Sun was casting its light rays over the mountainous fields which were separated by bushes causing a long shadow to be created, it was harmonious. The time was only about seven in the morning, though the car full of two children and a police officer had been driving for roughly an hour; their journey close to over.

The car exited the countryside bordering Shizuoka as the early morning bustle of the city was the view. Not many people were outside at seven in the morning, though there were a few heroes and early morning joggers, it felt very domestic. The two teens in the back were still sleeping deeply, not affected by the light coming through the window whatsoever. 

Their soft snores and light breathing was slightly quieter than the radio, which was reporting on All Might's fight and general news. The car was warm courtesy of the humid summer Japan had been through this year, it would call for a wet winter.

Arriving at the police station no later than two hours after they had left Kanagawa, the two teens awoke at the stop of the car, sitting up groggily. Two hours of sleep was no where near what they needed, but it was something they were internally grateful for.

The two exited the car and entered the  air conditioned building, the cold air sending a shiver up their spine. They were sent to sit in an office with a couch, both Katsuki and Senshi sitting down fervently. 

The sofa was a brown tweed sofa, a tartan blanket tossed over one of the arms. They weren't told exactly when their parents would come, yet they both secretly wanted them to take their time; the silence they were sharing was unbelievably comfortable, and something both of them needed after such an alarming experience.

What was a pleasant experience was finding their belongings from camp in the waiting room, both wasting no time in picking up their things. Sitting on the sofa, close to each other as physical warmth wasn't the only type of warmth both of them desired, they held their bags close to them as they waited patiently; their phones having long run out of charge.

Much like when they were taken captive, nothing was said, but all was felt. Both had hair that was knotted as slightly messy, their faces with dirt (one having blood on her face still), their clothes ripped in some spots or burnt. It looked like they had just been pulled through a hedge backwards, but that experience would've been something both would've rather experienced than being kidnapped.

Katsuki's face wasn't in a frown, but his eyes were slightly droopy and low, giving the expression of 'I am fed up of this'. Senshi's face was in a solemn, small, smile. Senshi had her head laid on Katsuki's left shoulder, him not rejecting her position. He didn't know why he was so interested in her. Or why she also seemed interested in him; even if they were soulmates. It seemed as if he was always smiling with her, rather than frowning.

Though that was something he'd have to ponder on another time, as a police man walked through the door with four people following closely behind. Both Katsuki and Senshi stood up, having to take a step to steady themselves.

Senshi's parents wasted no time in scooping their daughter into a hug, and honestly, thinking about what could happen when she got home, it was bitter-sweet. Yet relishing in the moment was what she chose, because it might be one of the few she could feel this way.

On Katsuki's part of the greeting, both of his parents hugged him too; even with the complaints the boy let out. "Never do that again, you gave us a right old scare." Tantei started.

"Is Tsuki okay?" Senshi asked. One way to start a conversation I suppose, though her moth broke the hug and placed both hands on Senshi's shoulders as she looked at her daughter in shock.

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