Ch.37 - Glare

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Ch.37 - Glare

It had been 2 long weeks since the cultural festival and nothing much had happened, well I say this but something huge for Japan happened. The new hero rankings were released and Endeavour was No.1; society was conflicted, Endeavour was a great hero always doing his job though unlike All Might, he was terrible with his fans ranking his lower than 1 in the popularity ratings.

After these rankings there was a fight that proved that Endeavour would be able to keep our country safe; the number 1 and number 2 worked together. There was a new Nomu introduced to the two heroes, and both Endeavour and Hawks worked tirelessly to defeat it, winning in the end. Both were injured but nothing life changing, though society's outlook on the current heroes changed, faith was introduced. Society had a new found faith in the heroes since All Might retired, they didn't need a symbol of peace, they needed new heroes who would work together to be the ultimate symbol of victory and happiness.

Victory, something never guaranteed as a hero though is most likely to happen to most heroes; I mean training endlessly for 3 years would help in winning right? Well, technically yes, but it seems that UA had other ideas than keeping Senshi away from her parents.

"UA has an annual parents day.-" There were many 'Ooh's and 'Oh no's, but the colour from Senshi's face completely drained "-It is optional for the parents to whether they choose to attend or not, but I assume that most parents would want to know how you're all getting on in our hero course.

They will arrive fifteen minutes before your pre-lunch lesson ends, if they choose to attend that is. Then, them, along with other parents from UA, will be offered lunch from Lunch Rush's cafeteria. After that, they will be able to view your performance in training for an hour. Finally, after the training you all along with your parents will go back to your dorm building and do whatever for an hour." Aizawa-sensei finished. "That's all the announcements for today, this will be taking place next week."

The room was very divided on opinions, some were very happy, some were already embarrassed, and one was mortified. Senshi knew that her parents would not pass up an opportunity such as this, especially after their fight(s) and the Repudiates incident (if they even knew about that). And one of the worst parts was that Senshi knew she had no way of avoiding them whatsoever, and with that plus her parents argument problem was going to wreak havoc.

Though what was worse, she had no say in the matter. She couldn't just say 'Hey, I don't want you to come' because even if she did, what power does she hold if her parents have already been granted access onto the campus?

Senshi let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her freshly washed hair, choosing to push her stress aside for now. Besides, her parents might not even show up! In that case, Senshi would be more than happy to continue her life as it is, with no distractions

"Oi, why are you so stressed about something that literally doesn't fucking matter?" Katsuki questioned, Senshi turning around to meet his view.

"Well.... to put it simply, me and my parents.... we don't exactly get along." Senshi explained briefly, her brown knitted in focus.

"Just ignore them. If you don't like them, they gotta be a waste of your time, so just ignore their shitty asses." Katsuki advised, violently erasing something from his notebook.

"That could work..." Senshi trailed off, silently hoping that either they didn't turn up, or that Katsuki's plan worked.

The week prior to the fateful day was spent formulating a plan if her parents came, along with stressing. Every evening that Katsuki went to Senshi's dorm or vice versa, Katsuki would somehow help to add onto Senshi's plan. What it basically consisted of was things that annoyed her parents, such as not paying full attention in class, joking about things in inappropriate moments, and basically anything a normal person would do.

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