Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast

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Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast

"He did it" his sister accused, her finger pointing at her brother. Glass lay in chunks on the kitchen tiles, jam smeared all over the counter tops, and smoke oozed from the oven. At least she wasn't in trouble. But now she stood still in the sour winter breeze, thinking of her brother, the little boy she could not save. "He did it", she says, her hands on his grave.


The world was so unbearably silent, as if the explosion had taken all love and light out with it. It was so quiet that Senshi was sure she may have been in a sound-proofed room. But her thoughts were so loud she knew that it couldn't be true.

She began to sob, and whether she was making a noise was an unknown to her. Miruko came over to her, and began to slowly rub her back; her lips moving in a way that Senshi knew she was speaking. Senshi held her breath in an effort to cease her cries, and a bubbling panic began to arise in her stomach.

Miruko looked at the girl in confusion, and slight sympathy. Why wasn't her intern responding to any of the questions? "Girlie, you okay?"

Senshi's face paled more under the blood that bathed it, and her tearful, red eyes widened more. The girl's breath caught in her throat more if possible, as if her lungs were slightly denying the thought of breathing; but knew it was a necessity. 

With a tiny whisper that Miruko was sure would get lost in the smoky wind, the girl replied "I can't hear y-you."


This was not something Miruko knew how to handle. The girl was obviously distressed, very much so in fact. And once again, that was an unknown to Miruko. But handling someone who's distressed and can't hear you? What is she supposed to do?

Miruko pulled Senshi upwards so that they were sitting opposite each other, and Miruko rubbed Senshi's left arm in comfort. Injury wise, Miruko could tell that Senshi's fight was a blood bath, the girl's appearance showed just that; Miruko actually considered that her injuries could be the reason why the girl was crying. Miruko on the other hand, she only had a few minor cuts and bruises.

Hawks walked up behind Miruko, the rabbit woman turning around to greet him. "She doing okay? Cause, she doesn't look like it."

"That's rude, and I don't know." Miruko sighed, Hawks watching her curiously as his own intern walked up beside him.

"What do you mean 'I don't know'?" Hawks asked once again.

"She can't hear anything after the explosion. I'm guessin' that she was stood close to one of the mines or something." Miruko explained, Tokoyami grimacing at his classmate.

"Yeah, that sounds plausible. Get her to an ambulance, they could sort that and her injuries out." Hawks suggested, Miruko nodded, standing up with a hand on her intern's arm at all times.

Senshi's mind was still in a haze, and it was incredibly horrifying to see people's mouths moving, yet nothing like a sound was heard. It was funny, the last thing that was said to her was 'I'm sorry too, Sen.'.

Did he know that this was going to happen?

She wouldn't take it past him to not have planned at least a little ahead. But why would one plan further than death? Death is the end. Death is where the universe choses whether you're right or wrong, or in some cases, simply in the middle. Death is where all good and bad things come to an end. That's all there is to it.

And now, Tāte Henjiru had found his end; whether it had been a bad or good ending was still something that had Senshi's mind stirring. Another question that had Senshi thinking, was 'Is it okay to mourn someone who betrayed you, fought you, but most importantly, loved you once?'

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