Ch.35 - Petrichor

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Ch.35 - Petrichor

Her feet padded against the paved floor at a speed that allowed her to blend in with the crowd. The air was moist with the aftermath of rain, and the concrete was a shade darker with rain-water. It was the final leg of her journey back to UA, or more appropriately, home.

'The loneliest moment in someone's life is as they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly.'

That had been a quote Senshi was forced to annotate in her final year of junior high, and only now did she truly understand. Whether it had been her whole life, or only a really small portion, all Senshi had been able to do was stare blankly as her emotions possessed her movements to null.

She wasn't feeling emotionless, numb, or depressed in any way. But she was conflicted, and any emotion that was sparked in her was too short lived it could be compared to that of an attempt to light a match.

And at this moment in time, as her thoughts seemed to be loud once more, she realised something. As children, we love and adore the heroes, yet as teenagers, we understand the villains even more. And as stupid as it sounds coming from a hero course student, the more one thinks about it, Senshi wasn't wrong. 

But one even more daunting thought was that Senshi had all the opportunities in the world to become a villain. She could have ended up just like her brother, and to be honest, she was closer than she knew. I mean, for heaven's sake, she was kidnapped because the villains thought she'd make a good villain. 

Yet she was stronger. And that may or may not have been the soul reason she was walking into the campus of the most respected hero school in all of Japan (as a minimum).


"It's coming, the school festival." Aizawa-sensei announced,  getting into his sleeping bag while still standing up. As per most announcements, the class seemed extremely excited for what they called 'normal school stuff'. 

"Hang on Aizawa-sensei are you sure this is okay?" Kirishima asked, raising his hand.

"Hushhhh Kirishima! Don't you ruin this!" Kaminari hissed to the red-head's question.

"Think about it though! There are villains everywhere right now!" Kiri replied

"You're right, that's a reasonable point. However there are students here apart from those in the hero course, you get the spot light every year at the sports festival, this if for everyone else." Aizawa-sensei replied, in his sleeping bag, all while standing up. "The support course, general studies and don't forget the business course students, this doesn't get as much attention as the sports festival, but it's still a yearly event they all look forward to. Many of your peers are feeling stressed out because of the conditions here at UA, especially the dorm system which had to be adopted because of the hero course." he finished

"You've got a point, I guess when you put it like that it'd be unfair the cancel it." Kirishima sighed as he sat down.

Aizawa-sensei still had to announce the new restrictions, which consisted of no one from outside of UA would be allowed to attend. Senshi wasn't bothered particularly, it wasn't really something that affected her. 

(And in a sense, she was grateful, the reason being her parents wouldn't be able to attend.)

Iida and Yaoyorozu took their places at the front of the classroom, Aizawa-sensei  proceeding to take his daily nap. The two heads of the class used the same method of choosing as they did for deciding class rep. Democracy. 

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