Ch.24 - Veracity

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Ch.24 - Veracity

Well now really when we go back into falling in love, and say it's crazy,


You see, we don't say rising into love.

There's in it the idea of the fall.

And, it is goes back as a matter of fact to extremely fundamental things. That, there is always a curious.. tie at some point.

Between the fall, and the creation. Taking this ghastly risk, is the condition of there being life.

You see for all the life, is an act of faith, and an act of gamble. The moment you take a step, you do so on an act of faith because you don't really know that the floor's not going to give under your feet.

The moment you take a journey, what an act of faith. The moment you enter into any kind of human undertaking in relationship, what can act of faith.

See you've given yourself up, but this is the most powerful thing that can be done, surrender!

See? And love is an act of surrender to another person, total abandonment.

I give myself, take me, do anything with me. See?

So, see that's quite mad! Because you see, it's letting things getting out of control.

All sensible people keep things in control, watch it, watch it, watch it. Security. Vigilance, watch it. Police, watch it. Guards, watch it.

Who's gonna watch the guards?

So, actually, therefore, the course of wisdom, what is really sensible, is to let go, is to commit oneself, to give oneself up, and that's quite mad.

So we come to the strange conclusion, that in madness lies sanity.


Her body having no power nor strength to fight against to wind, she breathes in the night air as the wind rushes past. Her lungs gasp for air for she am going too fast, and too high. In that moment she realised, it is exhilarating to fly.

Senshi knew her life was on the line with this, and she also knew that jumping without a plan was extremely foolish. Though she wasn't dumb, and that was to be tested as she plummeted to the rubble filled ground.

He clothes and hair whipped in the wind as her body spun around rather slowly compared to the speed she was falling at. Her slightly scorched blue shirt had ripples constantly moving from the pressure of the wind, though that wasn't what had the audience's attention.

Most people who are forced to jump off of a twenty-five story building would be petrified, but Senshi's face.... it had a smile. Not a wide toothed smile, like that of person who'd just won the lottery, no, it was the smile of a person who was attempting her best to keep in a laugh. Or even better, that of a person who felt free.

Looking at the demolished city with your vision twisting and turning was a surreal experience for the falling girl, the few lights that there were created an artwork that only she'd see. Though as everyone knew, anything that rises, must fall. That could be metaphorically, or literally, in this case it was literally.

Senshi's fall had to come to an end, whether her plan would come to a success or it would be a failure. Thought the peculiar thing was, she didn't care. She honestly didn't. Senshi didn't care whether her plan worked or not, because if it did, she may get to live out the happy ending she wants. Thought if it didn't she'd get to experience the ending the was destined, whether it be happy or not.

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