Ch.33 - Switch

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Ch.33 - Switch

The sun had sunk below the horizon, yet there was still a fire burning. Buildings have crumpled to the floor as fires raged around and in between pieces of rubble. Explosions were being fired expeditiously, and smoke filled up the sky like a new layer of clouds. The central area of Shibuya was mayhem. What was thought to be twenty villains turned out to be a minimum of fifty. What was thought to be an easy case had turned out to be arduous.

And one who was thought to be dead, was very much alive.

To hear the nickname from those who once loved her, fall from another's lips, and shatter on the broken floor, just like the crippling pain of her heart breaking over and over as she watched him laugh maniacally as if he did nothing.

"Henjiru?" Senshi's breathing stopped, and the chaos around her seemed to slow in her mind. Her body standing as still as a mountain that was being covered in a suffocating snow.

"You got it! Man, you should see your face right now!" Henjiru, who had seemed to make a name for himself as 'Switch' began to laugh psychotically.

"B-but you're-" Senshi's breathing caught in her throat as tears began to cascade down her face.

"Dead, I know. It's funny, I was never dead, Sen. I left.-" Henjiru stepped down from the piece of rubble, walking towards his distraught sister "You wanna know why? I was the hero for everyone, but nobody was the hero for me... and that's when I knew being a villain was the only option."

"NO IT WASN'T! YOU... YOU LEFT ME!" Senshi cried out, her lungs not breathing steadily any more. Her eyes had begun to redden with tears, her cheeks flushed and her eyes glistening.

"I did, but doesn't every hero need a villain? You wanted so desperately to be the hero of my story... it's only right I be the villain of yours." He smiled, his teeth showing through his grin. "You know, when I turned by back on everything I'd known, it struck me. This feeling of being born anew. This time I'll get the chance to truly live."

The dust from explosions settled on his black sweatshirt, he was also wearing black sweat-pants to go with the dark theme. Henjiru walked forward, Spectrum followed closely behind, a blue fire in her hands. Henjiru crushed his mask under his feet as he walked, his own sapphire eyes looked deep into hers with a contrasting emotion.

He seemed so..... happy.

Yet she, she was so, so sorrowful. And there was no doubt that betrayal was hiding behind her eyes.

Henjiru continued to walk towards his older sister, pros fighting in the background. The boy began to laugh, it was so... so insane. He held no remorse, and even as the rain began to pour, and the fight changed into a war, he continued to have that smile he always held from when he was young.

"I Tāte Henjiru had never died, only in your mind had I ever left. And you want to know what the most beautiful part was? The most beautiful part was how easy it was to say nothing!" Henjiru stood a mere two meters in front of her the hero he ruined, making her crumble like an ancient ruins. "So waddaya say 'hero'? Come dance with me in hell!" He bellowed across to the girl in front of him, lunging forwards.

It came to her realisation that she didn't love her brother, she only loved the version of him that she made up in her head.

And now she was going to have to destroy both.

The past devoured her, whilst she mourned the future, slowly dying in her in mind in the ever-present. Her vision was blurred with tears, her lungs forcing in breaths of air irregularly, her face felt hot and her heart felt as though it was burning with an urge to cry, kill, scream, but most of all, fight.

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