Ch.28 - Wonderwall

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Ch.28 - Wonderwall

On the same day as another incident, Aizawa-sensei had to call Senshi's parents about the ordeal. And based on the report Recovery Girl gave the man, he knew this phone call wasn't going to be easy. Aizawa took his phone out of his pocket, sighing as he sat down at his office chair. The sun had set a few minutes ago, the sky now as dark as it could get with stars spangled within it and the Moon added in to create a free street light for times where artificial lights weren't an option.

Aizawa was due to go on patrol in ten minutes, and he rendered that enough time to take care of this phone call and make a coffee. He looked through the student files to find his newfound problem child's file. Aizawa himself still couldn't shake away the feeling of absolute panic and dread that she had caused him. Aizawa didn't blame Senshi in any which way, and in fact, he was wondering if maybe the school should hire a professional therapist. I mean, his students, they were just kids. They weren't made to go through these events and expect to be fine, but that's what the media made out.

"It's UA, these kids are tough, they'll be fine."

"These kids have been through worse, they'll be fine."

"They'll be fine."

Aizawa sighed, running his hands through his long black hair. Scanning the phone number which was being illuminated by the desk lamp he had (one he's had for years now), he began to insert it into his phone. And then he rang it.

It rang for a concerningly long amount of time before someone picked up, Aizawa thought that the call was going to be missed.

"Tāte Tantei how can I help you?"

Aizawa internally sighed in relief, at least he knew the detective.

"Hello, this Aizawa from UA, we have something to report about your daughter."


It was a feminine voice who had seemed to take over the phone, though Aizawa could still hear the sound oh the detective in the background.

"You see, in class today, your daughter suffered what is known as a pseudoseizure. These types of seizures are known to stem from stress and conflict, so there was nothing physically wrong."

"Oh, that's it?"

'That's it?', they sounded so.... uninterested. And Aizawa was disgusted. Their daughter could've easily died earlier if it wasn't thanks to him, and all they have to say for the matter is 'Oh'. 

(Something was pulling at Aizawa's heart telling him that something was very much wrong, he knew that if his son had experienced such a thing, he would've been there in a split-second.)

Aizawa thought, 'what if I pushed it a little bit?'. It wasn't his place to say, but theoretically, it wasn't off the charts to do so. Aizawa leaned back in his chair, the old office chair creaking slightly as the man continued to talk.

"Well, your daughter also mentioned to us that the root for this problem could be due to a confrontation you and your daughter had roughly six days ago. Do you recall this?"

Aizawa knew damn well that Senshi wasn't a liar, that girl had proven to be as innocent and a kitten and if an offence if committed against her, she never understood it and took it personally; much like an animal.

(Aizawa may have taken a slight favouritism towards the girl after he was briefly introduced to her cat.)

"Yes, though it was Senshi's fault, she provoked us. We were obviously in an emotional state after the kidnapping, and the rudeness she portrayed to us was simply not acceptable." Her mother's voice sounded like a secretary, like a speech she had rehearsed to many times to the point of pronunciational perfection. He could hear the way her tone was laced with a hatred, the tone the showed that they no longer cared after something had happened. Though more importantly, they were so manipulative.

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