Ch.23 - Falling In Love

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Ch.23 - Falling In Love

Mitsuki and her husband Masaru sat shocked, their eyes not leaving the TV once. News helicopters were circling the camp area, reporting at the same time. The trees were visibly scorched and there were too many ambulances for comfort, the fire trucks there providing the same feeling. What they could also see from their TV, were airplanes putting out the blue fire.

And to think, their son was in there. It was reported that there were seven villains attacking the camp, and of those villains, three were arrested. Though it was much worse on the students side. Fourteen were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas, eleven others were injured, thirteen were unharmed, and two were missing. When it was revealed who those missing students were, both pairs of parents felt their breaths catch in their throat.

Mitsuki was the type of woman to never let any one else win, she was hard headed, and rather loud, much like her son. Though she also knew how to be calm. The problem here was, that she simply couldn't be calm. She had all the faith in the world that her son would be fine, especially since he wasn't alone, yet seeing his classmates in that states that they, were still managed to prick tears at her eyes.

On the other side of town, Senshi's parents were a slight mess. There was no fighting, but just emotions. Tantei knew that he would have to work on this case, and seeing as his daughter and another boy were involved, would only make it ten times harder..

Partially across the country in Kamino, Senshi and Bakugo were being warped into the bar. Though before either could even think about putting up a fight, a hit to the head was all they could remember before waking up in a chair a day later.

Could you call being knocked unconscious sleeping? Because when the two woke up, they felt like they hadn't slept at all. The chair they woke up in was numbingly uncomfortable; it being made out of concrete. There were leather straps across their chests and sitting uncomfortably under their armpits, not to mention the two straps going upwards up their chest effectively strapping them to the chair. But the most the troublesome part of it all was the quirk restraining hand cuffs.

Senshi was required to move her hands in certain motions to create different shaped fields, not to mention that if she wanted to shoot anything from her hands, it had to be..... from her hands. Senshi could use her feet though, and that was also why Senshi had her feet strapped to the chair.

Both were relatively injury free, the worst of the injuries between them being the cut on Senshi's cheek. The bar smelt of liquor, though it also had a wet wood aroma. The lighting in the bar was dim, the warm tones of the bar seemingly trying to get the place to look homey. Though that wasn't what the two kidnapped students were focusing on, it was what the TV was playing that had them focused.

Reporters were scrutinizing UA to a pin point, asking them questions that UA simply couldn't answer. The question itself was "Why do you think the League of Villains took Tāte and Bakugo?"

Well, it appeared that Shigaraki was more than willing to answer that. "The media is all over this, don't you think? Bakugo Katsuki, Tāte Senshi." The two looked at him with suspicion, though one of the two had more malice in their gaze than ever before. "All over the country people are wondering why we came for you, but the best part is, I wasn't even looking when I found you both. UA really tried to keep the camp a secret didn't they? So in return, I will tell you both why I took you, and I won't even need to try to keep it a secret."

Senshi and Bakugo were both looking at Shigaraki curiously, they could definitely disagree that UA didn't try, because they did. But why wouldn't Shigaraki need to keep it a secret?

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