Ch.9 - Consternation

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Ch.9 - Consternation

The moon was at its highest point, stars being spangled around it as a dark sky helped them shine. There was a light breeze, yet most didn't know of that seeing as people kept their windows closed while they sleep. Yet, Bakugo's black curtains were swaying slightly in the breeze, his window being open an inch.

Bakugo was sat upright, frozen in position. There were tear stains down his face, a thin layer of sweat over his body; and his mind was was the only think capable  of functioning properly. His once crippling panic, that simply wasn't his own, had stopped. But it wasn't a gradual stop, it was in the blink of an eye, a click of finger. It was so fast, too fast, he didn't know what to do or think. There was no other option than that she passed out, and even if that outcome was rare, Senshi's hyperventilation and lack of oxygen would be the core reason.

His pride told him to leave the problem, to go back to sleep. But his gut was begging him to check on her. Why? Sure they were soulmates, but he'd only ever talked to the girl twice. Twice! He most likely didn't even have her phone number!

But he knew who did.

It took a moment for his body to comply to his mind, his body jerking to his bed-side table. His eyes which were once widened with fear, had relaxed. He yanked his phone off of the charger and opened it up, his frown deepening at the bright screen. His vision was still slightly blurred, the tears only now making their final exit.

Class 1A had made a stupid group chat, he had it on permanent mute for obvious reasons. It was originally created for studying, but that changed within a matter of seconds. Bakugo scrolled through the contact list, paying close attention to each name and profile picture. Eventually he found Senshi's, her profile picture being of her on what looked to be a holiday in the snowy mountains. The picture was small, but he could still make her face out.

He added her contact and began to call her, his phone being held up to his ear as his waited not so patiently.

Senshi's phone vibrated on her bed, yet that did nothing to wake her from her unconscious state. Her body was so worn out, her hair sticking to her forehead in places from the extreme amount of sweat her body produced. She had tear stains on her face much like Bakugo, yet her eyes were red and puffy, her cheeks rather swollen and rosy too. Her hair was rather dishevelled, and it seemed as though her body had moved from under the sheets to on top.

Yet, there was still screaming and shouting.

Bakugo must have called her at least ten times, yet he never left a voice message. The final time he tried to call her, he simply fell asleep too, the time being that of early morning. Bakugo didn't know why he tried to call her, it was a spur of the moment thing. I mean, it was a good thing to do, but it's Bakugo we're talking about here.

And as both of them slept with tear stained face and exhausted minds and bodies covered in a layer of sweat, their subconscious couldn't help but question, why?


Senshi awoke groggily her head pounding as her limbs felt like lead, her eyes slightly sore. She didn't want to open her eyes, the light being already present through her closed eye lids. Yet, Senshi was forced to move as she heard scratching on her bedroom door, that could only be Yuki. Senshi lent over and opened her door all while still staying in her bed and keeping her eyes closed, this was one day Senshi was glad there was no school. Usually she didn't mind school, learning new things was something she rather enjoyed. But honestly Senshi wouldn't have known if she would've survived today.

Tsuki quickly cuddles up to Senshi, helping himself to some of the warm blanket. Tsuki cuddled up to Senshi's neck, and Senshi mindless the stroked the cat, satisfying purrs coming from the animal. Senshi didn't plan on opening her eyes, until Tsuki decided to put his paw on her eye.

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