Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin

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Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin

"Hey, make some noise you rabid sports fans! This year we're brining you some of the hottest performances in sports festival history guaranteed. I've got one question before we start this show, are you ready?!" Present mic announced to the stadium packed full of people. " Lemme hear ya scream as our first years make their way to the centre stage!" Present mic continued.

There were thousands of people in the stands, each one cheering with all of their breath. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky, and the weather was that of spring fading into summer. Aka, perfect.

First up, class 1A walked out, then the other first year classes made their entry in a chronological order. Present Mic was avidly introducing each class as they walked out, yet his excited mood was rather contrasting Senshi's emotions. She was nervous to say the least, she had never done anything like this (no one else had either....), and even if she was more confident with her fighting -much more confident- the 'what if's were still present. 

The 202 first year students gathered in the centre of the stadium, standing in front of a stage, watching Midnight-sensei walk onto said stage and began to talk.

"Now for the introductory speech." Midnight announced, her revealing outfit causing quite the stir between the first years." Silence everyone, and for the student pledge, Katsuki Bakugo!"

Those in class 1A were shell shocked, Bakugo?! Based on the pledge of war by Todoroki a few moments ago, plus the class rivalry he'd started two weeks ago, his classmates could already guess the stir he was going to cause. Senshi could assume it would be something incredible bold, yet there's no telling with Bakugo and his personality.

 "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win" This caused an uproar of boos and complaints from most everyone. Senshi had expected something along those lines, but it was a very bold statement. What would happen if he didn't live up to it?

"Without further a due it's time for us to get started. This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival will be revealed now, what could it be?" Midnight asked rhetorically, while the projection showed a spinning wheel for all the possible choices. And then it landed "Ta Da! All eleven classes will participate in the treacherous race, you will run four kilometres around the outside of the stadium. I don't want to restrain anyone, at least not in this game. As long as you don't leave the course, you can do whatever your heat desire. Now then, take your places contestants." Midnight finished.

The students began to gather around the stadium exit, and to say it was cramped would be an understatement. It was the equivalent of sardines in a can. 

Senshi did not have a plan for this. That realisation came as the stop-light system was reaching its end. Just run I guess? Well, as the lights turned green, everyone else did too. That only made it harder for Senshi to move.

A cold breeze tickled Senshi's ankles. Todoroki, he was going to freeze everyone in place. Unlucky for him, ice was Senshi's domain. Senshi forced a blast of blue energy out of her hands to free her from the frozen crowd, and it appeared that some others from her class had too. 

Now, you have to realise that walking on ice and skating on it are two very different things, those two dots didn't connect in Senshi's head....... She didn't fall over.


So, the next plan of action, make your own shield path that only you can walk on! Unfair, Senshi knew, but guess what, everything in this competition is unfair. Present Mic took note of Senshi's work, and began to loudly compliment it. Okay, no. Senshi's body slightly curled into itself from embarrassment, but hey! She wasn't used to this at all, give the girl a break.

Todoroki seemed to be upholding the lead, as well as his threat. Senshi wasn't as competitive as Bakugo, or most others in fact; she'll happily settle for 2nd. Yet that didn't mean she would never put effort in, because what's the point of doing something if you're not trying?

Well, enough thinking more running because robots were currently blocking Senshi's path. Senshi had endless ways of passing, and seeing as Todoroki had temporarily frozen them, she had even more options.

Running through them was what Senshi chose, until they started to fall that is. By now the platform for her feet was a thing of the past, because now it was over her head; because being concussed was something she was avoiding.

Most were shouting for her to move out the way, the forest green hunks of metal pelting towards her head. And she was tempted to reply, but we all know that even with the most confidence in the world, Senshi wouldn't say much.

The robots didn't hit her, just her shield over her head. Once again, Present Mic was having a field day, not just over her, but the other students in first place. Senshi now made it her goal to catch up to Todoroki and Bakugo, who were squabbling at about one hundred metres in front of her.

UA wasn't kidding when they said that the students would 'feel the pain'. I suppose possibly falling to your death in a canyon would be painful, maybe. The canyons were deep, extremely so. No light could travel to the bottom and it was a dark abyss, but the most extraordinary part, the ropes connecting the columns of ground in the canyon.

Okay, Senshi could work with that. Todoroki was sliding his way over using ice, Bakugo was blasting his way over, and Senshi was running along a platform. Her platform was emitting a blue glow into the dark abyss underneath, and Senshi could only compare it to space at this point.

Senshi was catching up slowly but surely to Bakugo and Todoroki, her platforms giving her an unfair advantage. The running continued after the canyon, and Senshi didn't use her platforms given that Todoroki wasn't giving her any ice to slip on; it was also an energy preserver. 

Now it was where the interesting things began. It appeared that neither of the two boys leading the pack knew of Senshi's gaining on them, but that wasn't as big of an issue, the two boys began to fight.... while running on a mine field.

It may have seemed that Senshi wasn't trying at all because of how hard she lucked out, with her quirk that is. There were jealous gazes at the back of Senshi's head, ones she felt and slightly internalised. Well that was how it was until an echoing boom was created from behind her.

Pink smoke rising from the source, someone flying though the sky. Now there were clouds, but more importantly, Midoriya was flying through the sky on a piece of metal. Senshi did not believe her eyes, but she had to because she could catch up to Todoroki and Bakugo. The two were shocked at Midoriya's stunt, even going as far as to stop running and fighting all together for a moment.


Senshi easily caught up to them, the two immediately going back to running after they noticed her presence. Midorya was far in front of them, and even with the help of quirks the three weren't able to catch up.

One was happy with it.

Another was slightly displeased.

The other was fuming.

The stadium was in an uproar cheering for the students, as they began to finish the race. Midoriya came first, Todoroki second, Bakugo third, and Senshi fourth.

The numbers of who had completed the race kept growing within seconds, people puffing and panting harshly. Yet it was only the first event, so there was no time to feel tired now. 

" The first game of the first years is finally over and what a game it was! Only the top forty-two will advance to the next round but don't be too let down if you make the cut. We've got other opportunities for you to shine, now the real fun is about to begin, this is the challenge to fully move yourself into the limelight. Do your best!" Midnight said, as the next game was being chose. The game chose was a cavalry battle, Midnight announced the rules and point values. "The point value for the person in first is ten million!"

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