Ch.29 - Unfair Setups

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Ch.29 - Unfair Setups

(Also, thank you for 2k :D)

The stars were spangled in the sky, the Moon shining even brighter. Senshi had always loved the sight of the night sky, she generally loved the night time too. It was always so quiet, and great for thinking, the night sky itself was so pretty, and that was a bonus too. And she fell in love with the Moon who was still shining in the darkness. That was because the Sun shone in the bright blue sky, but the Moon shone alone, so was she. But seeing as everyone was asleep, they'd never really see her shine.

(Though that's what she thought, many people knew of the 'Moon' and her shining.)

The time was very, very early morning, roughly at the hours of two or three am, Senshi couldn't see the exact time on her digital clock due to the tears in her eyes. This had been happening every since the Kamino ward, she'd always wake up in a panic, and that panic would soon to a deep, heart-wrenching sadness. But the odd thing was, it wasn't hers, the emotions that is.

So that only narrowed it down to one person of who it could be.

Senshi had wanted to bring it up, but she didn't know if Katsuki would appreciate having a 'weakness' known. But wasn't it her job to help him in times such as these? As her soulmate....

She didn't know. She only knew that soulmates were meant to love each other, anything other than that was beyond her. Because it's not like she didn't want to know, it's that she was never told. And so everything -for her- was much, much more confusing. 

In a sense, it was much like a speech a very clever person once said.

Everybody is a genius,

But if you judge a fish but its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid.

-Albert Einstein.

For context, Senshi was the fish, and knowing about love was the ability to climb a tree. She knew nothing about it, and as they say, the child is like the parent in some respect, so if she didn't know anything about love, neither did they.

(Did she really know nothing though?)

Though as of right now, she had to at least attempt to calm her soulmate down, or at least get back to sleep because if she didn't, she'd have no energy for the provisional licensing exam. Senshi pulled the cover of her warm bed off of her, the blanket of cold air falling onto her instead, making her exposed skin feel as though it were being pricked with cold needles.

Senshi's hair was slightly knotted, though it was down, and as for her pyjamas, she was wearing a simple pink shirt that she owned from an figure-skating camp she went to one time. It had the organisation's name, and everyone's names on the back. It was getting too small, though Senshi doubted that she'd be growing anymore, plus it was something that she really adored.

And to finish of the outfit, were some simple grey shorts, nothing extravagant. Senshi grabbed her blue fluffy blanket, and wrapped it around her shoulders to preserve any warmth she could. The girl walked to her key board, something she didn't have much time for within the past week. This was actually one of the only times Senshi was grateful that it was a key board, it came with headphones. That way, she wouldn't bother anyone.

She turned on the key board and plugged in the headphones, it taking longer than necessary due to the tears invading in her eyes. Then she just began to play, it didn't matter what, it's not like Katsuki would know, but it was something that made her happy. So for the first time in many years, she tried to play Nana's piece.

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