Ch.22 - Shadows Have Shadows

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Ch.22 - Shadows have Shadows

The humming of a bus engine was one of the least prominent noises, the loud chatter of class 1A being the loudest thing. Senshi, on the contrary, was sitting quietly whilst looking out the window. A few days prior the class had held a day at the school pool. Nothing much was accomplished, though anger and an unfair race outcome was definitely one of them.

Though that was what the boys did, the girls' experience was much more calmer. The seven girls played volleyball for the most part, though did end up refereeing the boy's intense swimming competition . It was a very nice day, one of the only calm days they'd seem have had recently.

Aizawa-sensei had seemingly given up on keeping his class quiet, though was it really his first time doing so? The bus was currently driving on an extremely mountainous area, the road being much too thin for comfort. Though on the other hand, the view was comforting, the blanket of abundant trees for miles over the cliff edge creating a layer of green as far as the eye can see.

The bus pulled over at a rest area, that in reality was a little overhand on the edge of a cliff. There was a blank car there too, only being noticed by the students as they exited the bus.

"Finally I needed off that bus!" Kaminari stretched, his back cracking at one point.

"This isn't much of a rest area." Kirishima annotated.

"Yeah and where's class B?" Jiro questioned.

"You don't think we stopped here just for you to stretch your legs do you?" Aizawa-sensei said. Senshi really hoped the man was kidding, she really wasn't about to go along with what ever master plan the man had in his head.

"Heya Eraser." A feminine voice said, resonating from the black car.

"Long time no see." Aizwa-sensei responded, bowing.

"Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!" One lady began.

"Perfectly cute and cat like girls!" 

"You can call us the.... Wild Wild Pussy Cats!" They both said striking a pose. Though that wasn't what had Senshi's attention, it was the small boy who had black hair just like hers, though his hair was being covered by a red hat with golden thorns.

"These are the pros you'll be working with in the summer training camp." Aizawa-sensei revealed.

"They're a four person team who specialise in mountain rescues! The pussy cats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This marks there twelfth year working as a- " Midoryia's rambling spree was cut off when one of the ladies put a hand over Midoriya's face, inevitably stopping the boy from talking.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off! I' m eighteen at heart!" They lady said. Her blue cat costume was rather..... interesting to say the least. Senshi was sure that the lady's work was great, and she wasn't one to judge, not at all. But the skirt was simply not effective.

"We own this whole stretch of land over here, everything you can see! The summer camp you're staying at is there, at the base of the mountain." A lady said, everyone found out her name was Mandalay, and Mandalay was pointing into the very distance. 

Senshi began to shuffle nervously in her spot, there was no way that they would make them run there, right? Right?


Because that led to everyone being throw off of the clay cliff, and landing rather inelegantly on the hard rock floor. "Good news, since this is private land, you can use your quirks as much as you want to! You've got three full hours to get to the facility that is, if you can make it through the beasts forest." Mandalay announced, shouting from where the students once were.

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