Ch.16 - Encounter

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Ch.16 - Encounter

The sound of squeaking breaks resonating from trains as well as bustling people was what was mainly heard. Class 1A was stood in front of Aizawa-sensei, all with bags and hero costumes, prepared to go to their internships. "Everyone has costumes right? Remember, you don't have permission to wear them out in public yet and don't loose them or anything." Aizawa-sensei clarified.

"Gochta!" Ashido smiled, though her peppy attitude was soon shunned.

"Speak properly, it's yes sensei, Ashido." Aizawa-sensei corrected.

"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes in your internships, now get to it." Aizawa-sensei finished.

"Yes sensei." The class responded, before walking off to do their own things. Senshi was notified by the teachers to meet Miruko at a train station in Shibuya, which was near Tokyo. The ride was about two hours on the bullet train, so Senshi would have a lot of time to kill.

Senshi had to wait a few minutes for her train to arrive, though overall it wasn't too bad. She sat down on a comfortable chair in a booth of her own, it was rather empty. Listening to music and letting her mind take over from her comprehensible thoughts was her go to activity.

Trees passing by in a blur, buildings too. It was rather mesmerising. Someone say by her, making Senshi turn her head to the right, it was a man. Said man had a black hooded sweatshirt on, his pale blue hair being slightly pushed down because of it. He seemed to have eczema of some sort, his face looking very dry. His eyes were red, though it wasn't crimson, more of a deep blood red. 

He looked awfully familiar in a way....

"Oh a student from UA, weren't you the one who came second in the sports festival?" He asked, his voice was scratchy, and slightly unnerving.

"Oh uh yeah." Senshi replied, not wanted to sound rude.

"How cool, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other in dear time." He whispered the last bit, Senshi's eyes widening. Senshi moved away from the man as he stood up and walked away. Senshi couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, something was most definitely wrong.

There was a guttural feeling that something was wrong, like a cold, dark pit had opened up on her stomach.

She should have listened to it.


Walking around Shibuya train station had proven to be quite the task. This was because of a communication error, UA had told Senshi to meet Miruko at the train station, but not where in the train station to meet her. So aimless wandering it is. 

Senshi held her hero costume case with an iron grip, her back pack firmly on her back too. Senshi was trying to calm herself down, trying is the key word there. You see, trying to find a pro hero amidst a packed train station would prove to be quite the task.

"Hey, are ya' Tate?" It was a feminie, upbeat voice, and as Senshi turned around, she was met with a sigh of relief.

"Y-yeah." Senshi replied, seeing the rabbit woman's face light up. Miruko was in casual clothes, most likely not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention from her hero costume.

"Alrightly then girlie, you've gotta internship to go to!" Miruko said, once again in an upbeat voice. In that way, Miruko made Senshi think of Ashido. Both were all ways go getters, and definitely were high energy.

Miruko began to walk, Senshi following. Senshi honestly had no idea what she'd be doing, but that was a constant feeling so she wasn't worried.

"So, I'm sure ya know but I don't have an agency, so we've gotta improvise! We're probably gonna patrol most of the time, but we're gonna do other stuff too; don't cha worry kiddo." It appeared that Miruko was the talkative type, Senshi was going to run out of extrovert at this rate. 

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