Ch.40 - The End

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Ch.40 - The End

There was a feral beast meowing at eight in the morning, their paws viciously slapping two sleeping individuals who were simply trying to sleep. One of those individuals cracked a sore eye open, and pulled the meowing beast into their hug with the other person. Katsuki was still asleep, that man could and would sleep through most. Though Senshi, she was a heavy sleeper, if her cat needed her, she was going to wake up. 

Tsuki stopped meowing after that, relishing in the warmth of the two tired teens. 

Senshi winced ever so slightly when her blanket came into contact with her left cheek, ah right, yesterday happened. Her body ached as her brain woke up, her eyes sore and puffy, her throat dry with her shouts and cries. Overall, not feeling great.

The girl tried to go back to sleep, but a groan from behind her urged her not to. Katsuki had made a rather good pillow last night, whether the boy was in his school uniform or not. Though Senshi could only guess that Katsuki may not have slept the most comfortably last night, school uniforms were no joke uncomfortable to sleep in.

"Why the fuck is your cat on my chest?" Katsuki groaned, his voice thick with sleep. Senshi chuckled slightly because to be honest, she didn't know.

"Why not? You're very comfortable." Senshi replied, yawning whilst looking at her clock. Katsuki simply huffed, not really bothering to move Tsuki nor Senshi.

The morning was very unproductive, though that immediately changed when Senshi went down for breakfast very hungry seeing as she didn't have dinner. Katsuki chose to go back to his dorm as he needed to 'take care of some things', most likely not wanting to be caught in a girl's dorm is what he actually wanted to do.

Senshi put on her slippers and shuffled downstairs as silently as she could, the reason? She did not want to address what on Earth happened last night. Though unfortunately for her, eighteen pairs of eyes were on her the moment she stepped foot in the common room. Senshi's gut swirled with anxiety, yet Senshi continued to walk towards the kitchen. 

Senshi stopped at the refrigerator opening it quietly and looking in, though a certain person came up to her. "Senshi, are you alright?" It was Yaoyorozu. Senshi had come to rather like the girl, she was polite, respected people's boundaries, and overall a smart, and kind person. 

Senshi laughed, not a chuckle, a laugh. She didn't know why, she did as she did, but after a few moments, she took a breath to calm herself down.

"Yeah, Momo, I'm fine." Senshi smiled, her cheek burning with the movement. Truth was Senshi was fine, she actually felt a sense of complete revenge. Like sorting a problem that had needed to be sorted for an eternity, like a feeling of relief. Though her completed spirits were lowered slightly by the pitiful looks that were shot her way. What? This was normal?

"Are you sure? Your cheek looks rather inflamed, I could give you some medical supplies if-" Yaoyorozu was interrupted by a person who  had just entered the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Tāte, a word." Aizawa-sensei interrupted, walking into the common room not in his hero suit. Senshi closed the refrigerator, taking a granola bar which was put in there. Who puts granola bars in the refrigerator? Senshi walked over to Aizawa and followed him.

The two walked to UA's main building in silence mostly, Senshi was anxious, what had she done? Senshi had no clue what Aizawa-senesi could possibly want to talk to her about? Senshi could agree that last night's behaviour wasn't..... normal, but it was somewhat normal; the shouting that is.

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