Ch.2 - Robots

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Ch.2 - Robots

The weather was fitting for what activity would take place today, there being no clouds in sight in the blue sky for miles. The Sun's beams were warm, settling like a blanket on her skin. She wore her junior high uniform which was mostly black with a red tie, she wondered what she would look like in UA's uniform, that is if she got in of course.

Senshi was rather happy with her quirk an its abilities, some may even call it over-powered; she didn't think so. She was never one to brag, she barely even talked! Yet she was in the mindset that any quirk can be over-powered, it simply depends on how you use it.

Senshi made her way through UA's entry gates, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd meet her soulmate if she got into UA, there was a low chance, but it never hurt to wonder. She took a card from a man and quietly thanked him, on said card was the junior high she attended, her name, birthday and other personal information.

Name: Tate Senshi
盾       戦士

D.O.B: 4th February

Examinee Number: 2004

Test Location: Battle Centre B

She looked at her card as she sat down amongst the thousands of people in the auditorium. She absolutely hated being in a room with so many people, her butterflies in her stomach turning more into a deep anxious feeling. Her jet black hair was tied back into a pony-tail on the base of her head. Senshi remembers her mother trying to convince her to get bangs, yet Senshi had quietly reminded her mother that it might get in her way when trying to ice skate; she was grateful she won that debate.

Present Mic's booming voice began to echo throughout the auditorium, Senshi internally flinching at his loudness. Yet deep down she knew that she had no reason to fear him, he wasn't shouting because he was angry, he simply trying to hype up the students.

"What's up UA candidates thank you for tuning in to me your school DJ, come on and let me hear ya!" The voice hero present mic announced but it was followed with complete silence "Feeling a bit mellow huh , that fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Lets talk about how this practical exam is gonna go down okay, are YOU READY?! YEAH!" He asked again, which, to nobodies surprise, was followed with an awkward silence.

There was no way in Senshi's life, that she would have said anything. She would have been judged endlessly and that was one of her biggest fears, controversy. Senshi understood that actual physical fights that heroes endured was the epitome of controversy, yet she enjoyed watching heroes fight, her parents........ we all know the answer to that.

"Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there contesting in 10 minute mock battles in a super urban setting. After I drop the mic you special boys and girls will be headed to your specific battle centres, sound good?" Present Mic asked rhetorically . 

"Okay okay lets check out your targets, there are three types of faux villains in every battle centre, you will earn points based on their level of difficulty so you better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your quirk to raise your score by shredding the faux villains like a hip song guitar solo. But check it, make sure you're keeping thing heroic attacking other examinees is a UA no no, ya dig!" Present Mic continued, his high volume never wavering.

Then a boy in cream coloured uniform rose his hand and shot up from his seat. Senshi wondered what he was doing, most likely asking a question, but was there need for the whole..... extra bit?

"Excuse me sir but I have question." A boy with navy blue hair said assertively. Senshi admired his confidence, there were thousands of people in here; and she felt uncomfortable thinking!

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