Ch.20 - Smokescreen

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Ch.20 - Smokescreen

Senshi could confirm that studying alone with Tsuki was successful for all of three days before she was roped into studying with Bakugo and Kirishima. Don't get me wrong the café set up was cute, but why couldn't they have studied where there weren't as many people? Senshi wasn't actually studying per-se, more like tutoring. Bakugo knew a lot, and only really made stupid mistakes in attempts to be the first to finish. Whereas Kirishima was actually lacking understanding in some places.

"No, so that ending goes with an adverb in most cases, but some times there's different ones." She kindly corrected. Kirishima made a noise of understanding as Bakugo silently and swiftly tried to correct his work.

"How do you even fucking know that, we've only learnt it recently." Bakugo stated, with a slight jealousy in his tone.

"I don't know...." Senshi responded, hunching her shoulders in a way that only further proved her point. To be honest, things like grammar stuck to Senshi's mind like glue. Senshi didn't know why she remembered them, she just did.

Though Senshi still did study with Tsuki at home, with headphones at full blast not wanting to hear the echoes in her home created by her parents. Tsuki would sit on Senshi's lap while Senshi was sat at her desk, it was a rather comforting thing for Senshi. Though written studies wasn't the only thing Senshi had to practice for.

With Senshi's return from her internship, her clubs had returned in full swing. Though not only that, Bakugo had demanded that they should train together once again; claiming that Senshi was the only person (other than Kirishima) who was worthy enough to fight him. She understood where Bakugo was coming from, she was the defence to his offence; it would be beneficial to both of them.

Senshi had agreed, not having the heart to say no; but also because she knew she would need to be able  to fight. As told by Kendo, the final exams were supposed to be robots, though that didn't sit well with Senshi. Though what other option has she got? She can't just begin to drive herself into insanity trying to think of what it could be. So settling with the information given was what Senshi's chose to do, dropping the thought after an few hours.


After the week of constant physical and mental stress, the first written exams began. The written exams were due to take place over a three day time period, which only meant more and more studying in between. Senshi could assume that her written exam went well, her never not knowing that answer.

A rather sweet thing occurred during this time however. On the final morning of written exams, during Bakugo and Senshi's training, Senshi just laid on the floor. She didn't know why at the time, though Senshi could comprehend that she was mentally exhausted; and didn't know if she would survive until tomorrow.

Though Bakugo only felt the same. Having the same emotions as your soulmate came at a price, especially during this time of year. Both of them were actually rather stressed underneath their facades, and seeing as they were both stressed, it meant double the stress.

So when Senshi laid down on the grass, and Bakugo assumed why, he laid down too. The two just laying next to each other in a tranquil silence, not being any what productive. Just looking at the purple, orange, and red morning sky. 

It was most likely the most intimate thing they'd ever done, and ever will do for a while.

Though that was the past now, seeing as the class of twenty students were stood outside of the central plaza, aka the training centre all in their hero costumes. Though one thing that confused most was the abundance of staff. "Now then, lets begin the last test. Remember it's possible to fail this final, if you wanna go to camp then don't make any stupid mistakes. " Aizawa-sensei announced.

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