Ch.13 - Zap

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Ch.13 - Zap

It was safe to say the audience was blown away, figuratively and literally. Todoroki and Midoriya combined had proven to be insanely powerful. How did it come to this? Well, the second round of the finals began and the two were the first up to fight.

There had been a tense shouting match occurring, not only a physical one. It was Midoriya telling Todoroki to use his fire, and funnily enough, the latter boy did. Of course with the ice and fire the drastic temperature cool down had caused an intense explosion to occur. And even with Cementoss' best efforts in restraining both, his luck was in vain as a cyclone of wind blew past everyone in the audience.

Before this however, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were able to settle their draw, the method of doing so being an arm wrestling match; Kirishima being the victor.

The fighting grounds were torn up yet most of all, Midoriya was thrown out of the arena viciously. Senshi was due to fight Iida next, and if she won she'd have to go against Todoroki, aka the person who literally just ripped up half of the ground. So... panic?

Well, no time for that as now Senshi actually had to fight the engine boy. Senshi could assume that Iida was going to charge straight for her, so all she had to do was combat that.

"Second match of the second round, begin!"

The moment the last word was uttered from Present Mic's mouth, Iida was moving faster than Senshi's eyes could see. Senshi could comprehend that she was being dragged from the back of her shirt, smart move on his part, but Senshi had fully expected this. She placed a wall slightly taller than him in his path, and as expected, Iida ran straight into it. Senshi travelled through the wall and quickly grasped her surroundings, getting up off of her knees; the crowd's roaring at her come back was most definitely mood boosting. 

She was being risky with that last move, Iida could've easily gotten through when she did. Senshi couldn't manipulate it for specific people, but risks were the epitome of fun, right? And that's what this was supposed to be, a bit of fun.

Senshi was only a few meters away from the out of bounds line, and she had to act quickly. Trapping Iida in a dome would be her best bet, he was too fast for her even with his limits. The boy was put into a dome, don't worry he could still breathe; any gases could pass through her dome with ease, including smoke.

"I'm sorry Iida." Senshi said quietly, so only Iida could hear. Senshi began to shrink the dome, it was like a mouse in a mouse trap. Iida tried to kick and punch his way out, only to realize his attempts were futile. That match was quicker than the one previous, all of Senshi's matches seemed to keep that property consistent.

"Iida, can you move?" Midnight asked.

"No." Iida answered honestly.

"Iida is immobilised, Tate moves onto the next round!" Midnight announced, Senshi turned off her quirk, allowing Iida to get up. The two shook hands, Iida wishing Senshi well and Senshi thanking him.

It may sound rude, but Senshi was relieved when she no longer had to talk. But that relief was short, because now it became apparent she'd have to fight Todoroki. Time to strategize it appeared.

Ashido and Tokoyami's fight was what followed. In the first rounds, both had proved to be rather confident and strong, yet as Ashido was faced with Tokoyami's dark shadow, her acid was impotent to the bird made of shadow. In the end, Tokoyami had a fast victory.

As Senshi walked into her waiting room to formulate a plan, Bakguo and Kirishima's match was commencing. Kirishima was Bakugo's opposite in a sense, Kirishima was a defensive person (quirk wise) and could take most of Bakugo's hits. But that's not what happened, Kirishima had Bakugo on the defensive, which was rather confusing. Kirishima could use his quirk for offense, but it was more suited for defence, Bakugo's being the opposite. So naturally Bakguo was able to notice how Kirishima was beginning to over-use his quirk and blow his to smithereens. 

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