Ch.7 - USJ

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Ch.7 - USJ

The calming humming of the bus's engine was what Senshi focused on, her classmates chattering away about random topics. Since yesterday, Aizawa-sensei had announced that class 1A would be going to an off campus facility to preform rescue training. Senshi knew that there were different types of heroes, rescue, battle, and many more minor topics. Yet, Senshi had no clue on what she wanted to become. She'd never thought about it.

She hadn't had much fighting experience, nor rescue, so there was nothing for her to take an attachment to. Yet, she couldn't deny that she adored the thrill of using her quirk for good, it was similar to that of landing a triple axel, or completing the extremely hard section of a piano piece. 

Her high pony tail was pressed against the back of her seat on the bus, the girl being sat next to her soulmate. Senshi had really thought about the whole 'soulmate' thing within the past few days, and could firmly (or not really seeing as whenever she speaks her voice is quiet) say that she had accepted finding her soulmate. Yet, one thing she shared in common with her soulmate was utter confusion.

What were the two supposed to do?

Were they supposed to pretend like they know each other? Were they supposed to begin to form a relationship? Neither knew, and much like Senshi, Bakugo had thought about it. The further thoughts about the whole 'soulmate' thing had occurred when he was watching Senshi practice. He had a good observation of her, quiet, kind and not weak. Cool..... but what was he supposed to do with that observation? Her certainly wasn't going to walk up to her and begin to talk to her, no way.

What can we conclude with this? Well, they're both intensely bad with feelings, yet they had accepted the bond they shared; even if it was miniscule. Accepted.


"Well if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugo." Kirishima stated, Bakugo silently accepting the boost to his ego.

"Sure but Bakugo is always angry, so he'll never be that popular." Asui added, Bakugo's anger spiking, meaning Senshi's did too. Yet Senshi was actually good at calming herself down, her soulmate..... well.

 "What did you say I'll kick your ass!" Bakugo retorted, him standing up from his seat in pure infuriation.

"You see?" Asui stated, Senshi had a small smile on her face for a moment, it was nice to her seeing her classmates get into amusing shenanigans such as these.

"You know we basically just met you so it's kinda telling that we all know your personality is a flaming crap mixed with garbage." Kaminari poked, okay, now Senshi's classmates were seeming to want trouble.

"You're gonna regret the day you applied for this school you looser!" Bakugo huffed. Her class was essentially in an argument, yet she didn't feel as she did at home. She wasn't inwardly flinching at every sound, she wasn't crying, it was a warmth. It was new.

 "Hey hey we're here, stop messing around." Aizawa-sensei hushed, the class complying.


"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." The rescue hero Thirteen began, a few students gaping at the sudden appearance of the hero. As of right now, the class were in what looked to be an enormous dome, which inside was split up into many training areas. "I can't wait to show you what's inside!"

The class began to walk further, intrigued with what was displayed to them. "A shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etcetera. I created this training facility to prepare you for different types of disasters. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" Thirteen explained, yet everyone simultaneously thought about Universal Studios Japan. Senshi was highly impressed, her widened eyes being the only telling of that emotion. Never in her 15 year life had she seen anything like this before.

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