Ch.12 - Headbands

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Ch.12 -  Headbands

The crowd was roaring vociferously, the second event underway. It was still sunny, still no clouds in sight. But one thing had changed, the atmosphere. Where in the first event it was shambles, and slight determination, now it was feral. Everyone was after Midoriya's team, the ten million being like a celebrity among civilians.

Though the team Senshi was on was was more determined than any, Bakugo being the rider and commander. Senshi hadn't a clue why Bakugo chose her, and would most likely never know. What Senshi did know however was the intense anger resonating from the boy above her.

Bakugo was very displeased with the class B students seemingly ganging up on him to the point of zero worth, but Bakugo was Bakugo, and he would not stop. Not stopping included a lot of things, such as jumping off of your team-members on whim, and then having to be fished back using Sero's tape. The stupid part was that it actually worked, and got her team from last to second stupidly fast.

It was something she admired Bakugo for.

Senshi didn't really know when her admiration started, because one moment it's not there, the next it is. He was someone she aspired to be. It sounded stupid, especially considering Bakugo's prickly outside, but within the past two weeks, Senshi was able to get a glimpse past that, and see how sweet of a person he could actually be.


Okay, sweet may have been the wrong word to use, but the point still stands. If Senshi had to give her opinion on the cavalry battle, she would say it was slightly boring. Not much fighting was done, until Bakugo was going batshit crazy on a piece on frozen air for the third time that day.

After the stolen headbands were retrieved, Bakugo's main focus (and therefore the team's focus) was on Midoriya, or as Bakugo phrased it, "Lets get that nerd Deku's team now." With a venom lacing his tone.

Senshi didn't know what type of history they had, but she did know that it couldn't be good. What added onto her theory though was the fierce concentration laced in his features, his brow furrowed, his eyes so focused on his thoughts that they didn't move an inch; but most of all, the anger that seemed to be his natural mask.

There wasn't much time left on the clock, and Todoroki's team had cornered Midoriya's team between two walls of ice. Then, Todoroki's team moved in a flash, and the next this Senshi knew, Present Mic was goes ballistic about Todoroki now having the headband that was considered gold.

The golden team was surrounded by a wall of ice, and Bakguo took that as his calling to blast off once again, and go over to Todoroki himself; all while screaming insults in true Bakguo fashion. Though as both Midoriya and Bakugo lunged for Todoroki's points, the time was up.

Bakugo fell flat on his face.

Of course Senshi was worried because a concussion was most likely one of Bakugo's injuries, though that was until Bakugo -still laid face first on the floor- began to punch the concrete beneath him.

Todoroki's team had won, Bakguo's team in second, Team Shinso (whoever that was) in third, and finally team Midoriya in fourth.

Senshi was hungry, and quite frankly left to go an eat. Bakugo was confused, why was Senshi not absolutely fuming? Everyone should be mad if they didn't win! But then he had to look at the situation from another point of view, not everyone was like Bakguo, and some would happily settle for second. Still, not something he could wrap his head around.

Bakugo was on his way to lunch, but them he heard faint chatter. He'd recognise those voices anywhere. Deku. He honestly wasn't intending to eavesdrop, it just happened. But his eyes widened for every minute he spent pressed up against the wall, hearing something he didn't intend to hear.

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