Ch.8 - Outcome

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Ch.8 - Outcome

The blaring police sirens were one of the main things the members of class 1A could hear, yet said vehicles weren't actually there yet; only just pulling onto the premises. Those who were unharmed were waiting outside of the USJ, Midoriya, Aizawa-sensei, Thirteen and All Might the only ones being taken to a hospital.

There was an nervous silence amongst the class, no one feeling up to the task of talking. Senshi couldn't blame them, they literally just fought for their lives. Thankfully, no one else was injured what so ever; which was incredible surprising. Senshi could see policemen escort many villains out, while two chief officers came over towards the class.

The two officers being Tsukauchi and her father. Senshi knew her father was trying to keep on a cool front, but even Senshi could see the worry in his eyes. Senshi knew that the situation she just had to experience was rather frantic, nervousness and panic being the main emotions Senshi felt, yet she couldn't imagine it from a parent's point of view.

"..seventeen, eighteen, nineteen." Tsukauchi counted, the class still having a grave look on their faces.

"Everyone seems to be unharmed, apart from that boy who's legs were all messed up." Senshi's father concluded, people watching him and Tsukauchi eagerly.

Aoyama was the first to talk, and then a chain-reaction of people began to converse, yet Senshi wasn't one of them; would most likely never be. Senshi and her father made eye contact, Senshi giving him a small smile, him returning the gesture.

"Lets go ahead and get these students back onto main campus. They've been through a lot so we don't need to question them right away." Senshi's father said, his brown hair under his hat yet the ends still swaying in the slight breeze, Senshi knew the last part was directed to her and she couldn't help but be grateful.

"I agree, Tate." Tsukauchi added, Senshi felt the stares on her now. Yet before anyone could question her, Asui jumped forward, asking Senshi's father more questions.

"Detective, what about Aizawa-sensei?" Asui inquired, Senshi smirked slightly when her father turned to his co-worker for response, knowing that deep down the man was more concerned about her.

"The bones in his arms' are splintered and he's got facial fractioning, fortunately there doesn't seem to be any major brain damage. But, his orbital floor has been almost completely destroyed, we have no way of knowing if his eyes sight will be impaired once he's healed up." This message came from Tsukauchi's phone, and Senshi could feel her breath catch in her throat.

"Um sir, what about Thirteen?" Ashido asked Tsukauchi, Senshi too concerned.

"There's no need to worry there, despite some pretty bad lacerations to the back, Thirteen is going to pull through good as new."

Senshi let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, all she wanted was for everyone to be okay; little did she know, that wasn't an option in some situations.

"All Might also without any serious injuries, he's in the nurses office right now along with Midoriya." Senshi's father added, the class' mood being slightly more elated now that the conditions of those they cared of were revealed.

"Now, lets get you back to class." Tsukauchi finished, the class boarding the bus they came there in.

Senshi was at the back of the class, her father hanging back slightly too.

"You okay?" He asked tenderly, he was the calmer one out of her parents; yet she still loved them both.

"Yeah, I didn't get hurt at all." Senshi confirmed, her father nodding as Senshi began to step onto the bus.

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