Chapter 25: You are Perfect to Me

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Jamie still seemed shocked, even after Arabella had left. I don't know what exactly was wrong, but she remained quiet, and seemed to lose her focus quite easily. After about, I don't know, three hours I finally went to ask her about it.

"Hey, what's up? You seem kind of off and I want you to be happy today," I asked her quietly when both of us were in the kitchen. She looked at the ground before meeting my eyes.

"I've just been thinking, y'know, if you hadn't come and adopted me, or whatever you want to call it, then I probably wouldn't have all these amazing friends, and," she paused, swallowing and clearing her throat a bit, "if you hadn't come that day, after Luca and Jake were there, I don't know if you'd have ever seen me again. I don't know if I would have been strong enough to handle all that pain by myself. Heck, I still don't know how I'm handling the pain, but I know I just need to work one day at a time and go from there."

By the time she was finished, there were tears welled up in her eyes. I just stared at her. "So thank you, Louis, Dad, whatever your name is, thank you for saving my life." She came up and gave me a hug, wrapping her arms around my stomach and resting her head on my shoulder.

"Jamie," I said, running my hand through her hair, "don't thank me for that. I don't know what I would have done if I had gotten there too late. What if I never came? You would still be there, and we would only have our Skype sessions, and you would still be bullied. So don't thank me."

She looked up like she was going to protest, but changed her mind and closed her mouth. She broke the hug. "So how different is Christmas here from the U.S.?"

"I don't know. What did you normally do?" She thought for a minute.

"We woke up, opened a few presents, ate breakfast, we got dressed for people to come over, they usually came over around 1-ish, we had like a snack or something, and then we opened those presents. Around 4:30 we would eat dinner, and everyone left at around 6 or 7. And then we cleaned up and started using all the new stuff we got. How do you do it?"

I thought a little bit. "Not that much different, actually, I mean, it's changed since we've moved out, become a band and stuff. But that's basically how we do it. So now, we'll open gifts and stuff, and in about two hours, eat dinner. Then we hang out for a bit 'til everyone decides to go home."

She nodded and walked into the living room, picking up Samson on the way. Daisy immediately ran over, asking to hold him, and Jamie gave him up. She walked over to Niall and sat on his lap. I shook my head and smiled at the pure childish nature she was able to have.


I went and sat on Niall's lap and he looked at me, a grin on his face. "Hi!" I said.

"Hey there! What's up?"

"Hmm, well there's the ceiling, then the roof, then the sky, and then the universe. But I'm not doing anything much, if that's what you were asking."

He rolled his eyes at me before turning to Zayn, who was sitting next to him. "Oh, hey Zayn, hey Perrie! I actually did not see you there... how are you guys?" Zayn laughed and Perrie smiled.

"Thanks J, nice to see you care!" Zayn comments sarcastically. I playfully hit him and we are soon in the middle of a 'catfight'. We continually hit each other's arms until Niall pulled my arms away, telling me to 'stop before you mess up his hair and he kills you'.

Four hours later

after the last guest has left, and it is just the boys and Jamie in the flat.

"So what do we do now?" I asked Louis, bouncing up and down on the couch, waiting for the others to finish cleaning up the flat.

"We relax! Do you want hot chocolate?" I thought for a bit and nodded. He got up, leaving me to myself. I thought about what Arabella had said earlier. Her words echoed in my head. They spun around and around making me dizzy.

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