Chapter 22: Parties and Pancakes

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After Jamie and I went inside, she told me she was going to get on the computer for a little while and then do something that was a secret. I groaned when she told me. I can’t stand secrets, they make me feel left out and I don’t like that.

I was now sitting in my room watching TV, thanks to the boys. They had told me to stay up here until five o’clock. It has been four hours and I’m going crazy. Luckily it was 4:45 now, so I didn’t have much longer.

I check my phone again to see there were multiple tweets from Jamie, with pictures attached. I looked at them to see there was one where she was covered in flour, another where Zayn was sleeping on the couch with whipped cream on his face, and the last one was her and all the boys, grinning at the camera.

I glanced at the clock again. Finally. It was 4:59. I waited for it to turn before sprinting out my door and rushing downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch.

“Hey, Dad! So, um basically, we know you’re birthday isn’t for three more days, but we decided to have a party today, so go get dressed!” Jamie told me.

“You’re having a party for  me? Thanks! Who’s coming?”

“That is one thing we’ll have to keep to ourselves… now go get dressed, they’ll be here in twenty minutes!” Jamie exclaimed, while running upstairs, obviously to get ready. I went up to my room and pulled out a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. I brushed my hair and teeth, still not knowing who was coming. Then I heard the doorbell ring.

I ran downstairs to see Zayn opening the door….and my mom walked in. “MUM! You came?” I yelled as I ran over to give her a hug.

“Of course I came, why wouldn’t I? And your sisters want to meet your daughter, as do I, considering I have a granddaughter now.” It took a second for me to realize it.

“The girls came? Where are they?” She laughed at me before pointing outside. Sure enough, they were walking up the path to the front door. When they saw me, they started running.

I was tackled by them as they gave me a big group hug. When we separated, I pulled them into an individual hug, kissing each of their foreheads in turn. I heard light footsteps on the stairs, and turned around to see Jamie. She had a magenta and gray striped sweater, black leggings, and her nails were painted with different designs. How she managed to do that in twenty minutes I would never know.

“Come down here Jamie! So, this is my family. This is my mum, Jay, my sisters- Lottie, Fizz, Daisy, and Phoebe.” She hurried down the stairs. My mum wrapped her in a hug. Lottie looked over at me.

“How old is she?” she whispered. “Thirteen.” Lottie was fourteen, so I think they should be good. They introduced themselves and walked off somewhere.

I looked at my mom. She had tears in her eyes. “What’s wrong Mum?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all. It’s just, you’re already so grown up, and the twins are only seven.” I just sighed and hugged her again.

Jamie came over again, poking my shoulder. “Whatcha need?”

“Well, um, you see, how do I say this. Can Lottie and Fizz spend the night? Since Devyn left, all I’ve had is you guys, and that’s great, but I need girl time. And if Daisy and Phoebe want to spend the night, they can too, so they don’t feel left out…” I looked at my mum.

“I say they can, we were going to stay the week in a hotel not far away so we could be here for Christmas, as long as Louis says it’s okay,” she answered. I pretended to think about it.

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