Chapter 33: I've Only Got A Few Hours

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We were sitting in the room, waiting for the results from my blood test when the doctor came in. He didn’t have a smile on his face and I immediately knew something was wrong.

“Miss Tomlinson, I am very sorry to inform you that you have relapsed and do in fact have the same form of stomach cancer you had previously. We will make a treatment plan and I will talk to your guardian about what he thinks is the best treatment for you. If you have family or friends coming, we will make an exception to the visiting hours because of the news and your guardian’s status.”

 I nodded and felt the tears gather in my eyes. He left the room and I looked at Louis. “I thought it was done,” and with those words, I broke down.

I couldn’t pretend to be brave in front of the boys; they would know something was wrong. He pulled me into a hug and I cried into his shoulder.  He pulled away after a minute and took out his phone. “I’m gonna tell Harry and Liam. They’ll be here soon, I promise,” he said seriously.

I sat back on the uncomfortable chair and closed my eyes, just letting the tears flow down my cheeks. I honestly thought my fight with cancer was over. I would eventually stop crying and face what I had to with a smile on my face, but now I was kind of just feeling sorry for myself.

I sat like this for a while when I heard the door open. I opened my eyes to see everyone standing there. They all had smiles on their faces but I gave them a small shake of my head. The smiles dropped and I could see their true emotions. They were worried, scared, and tired.

Liam came in and handed me a piece of paper with names and numbers on it. “All the guys from the show wanted to know what was wrong, so I told them your story and they offered their numbers in case you needed someone to talk to other than us. So there they are,” he explained. I looked at the paper in shock. How could they care that much to give their numbers to someone they had just met, who could easily leak it on the internet?

I folded it up and put it in my pocket. Looking at Devyn, I realized I still had the paint on my face. “Sorry, the paint must be a mess now,” I trailed off.

“No, it looks fine. How was the concert?” Zayn asked.

“It was awesome! You should’ve been there!” I said excitedly.

“What was your favorite part?” I thought for a minute.

“Well, Vic from Pierce the Veil performed their song Yeah Boy and Doll Face acoustic, and he was the only one on stage, and that was cool. Pierce the Veil and Kellin did King For a Day, which is better live than anything, and Black Veil Brides did their entire album. So basically the entire concert.”

“Well, I’m glad you had fun, how were the band members?” Niall asked.

“They were so nice, and Jake even let me play his guitar because they wanted to ‘test my skills’ on a guitar, so I played Coffin. CC did my war paint, and I got autographs from all of them!”

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