Chapter 12: WHO?!?!?!?!?!?!

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As I ended the Skype call, I tried to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks, but they just wouldn’t stop. I guess getting called a liar by someone you trust is much harder than people you don’t like at all. Just then my mom walked in. “Sweetheart, what happened?”

“N-nothing, just sore.” I could tell she didn’t believe me, but she thankfully let it drop. I felt my phone buzz and saw a text from Zayn on the screen. I rolled my eyes. I wasn’t gonna answer him yet. Let him feel it, and then I’ll be ready to forgive him. But I’m not talking to the other boys until then. I put my laptop on the table next to the bed and closed my eyes, kind of hoping this was just a dream. As I felt myself drifting off, I thought about all the good things that had ever happened to me.

Winning my basketball tournament in sixth grade, my teachers allowing me to move up a grade, meeting the boys, meeting Lex, and, of course, getting told I was cancer-free. I smiled slightly and fully succumbed to the peaceful darkness of my dream world. 

                I ran around, loving the feeling of my pigtails bouncing on my back. I twirled back, looking at my father, who was chasing me around the park. Suddenly, he was right behind me, picking me up and spinning us around, with me above his head, like every dad does with his daughter in the movies. It was like a fairytale. But not all fairytales have perfect endings, do they? Just then, a man dressed in all black came out of nowhere. “Jamie, I love you babygirl, but run! Run and don’t look back, no matter what!” I kissed him on the forehead and ran, stopping slightly when I heard a man yell. I turned back to see my father on the ground and the man standing over him, smirking. He turned towards me and I quickly continued running.

I jerked awake. It had been I while since I had a dream about my father. I was only six when he died, but I remember every single thing about that day. I tried to calm myself down and told myself I was okay. It was all okay. My dad was gone, but he was in heaven, perfectly okay.

I got up from the bed on shaky legs. I passed one of the nurses who gave me a tight smile, nodding slightly. I saw my mom in the waiting room, waiting, obviously, for me to get out of the room. She smiled and led me out to the car. My phone buzzed again and I gave it a quick glance. ‘LIAM’ Yea, I’m not going to respond to that one. I turned on the radio and ‘One More Night’ by Maroon 5 came on. Oh yeah, my favorite song at the moment. I burst out singing until my mom shushed me. “Can you shut up! You made me leave work early to pick you up! The least you could do is thank me!” she growled.

“Sorry for getting beat up! I thought you actually cared!”

“It’s not my fault you’re weak. Now don’t talk.” She turned back to the road and I looked out the window, still humming along to the song now playing. She just rolled her eyes and turned off the radio. Soon enough, we were home and I ran up to my room. This was strange for me, but it had to be done. I FaceTimed Zayn from my phone. He answered within ten seconds. His face was hopeful.

“Hey! Listen, I’m so so so so so so so so-“ I cut him off.

“I’m not forgiving you, but I want, no I need someone to talk to. So get the boys gathered together and whatnot. I will be back in exactly,” I looked at my clock, “ten minutes. So get crackin!” I got off my bed and went and got a cup of chocolate milk and some sugar cookies. I took them up to my room, sipping on the chocolate milk on the way there. I tried to take a bite out of the cookie, only to spit it back out. No eating yet. I sat back down on the bed to see all the boys talking amongst themselves. Since it still hurt to talk, I tried not to move my mouth much when I talked.

“Hey guys.” I smiled slightly. I obviously got their attention because they were all looking at me with serious expressions on their faces. I wiped the smile off my face, taking a sip of the milk.

“So what did you need to talk to us about, love?” Louis asked.

“Umm, well, I figured I should tell you who actually beat me up and stuff, y’know?” I said, trying to keep my voice light.

“If you don’t want to tell us you don’t have to…” Niall said, but I knew he really wanted to hear what I had to say. 

“It’s okay. Umm, the guy that beat me up was,” I paused, “it was the quarterback, Luca. And I had to sit next to Jake in Algebra.” I sat in silence for a few seconds trying to ignore the pain in my jaw.

“Y-you mean a guy beat you up?” I nodded. “And nobody noticed?” I nodded again. “I’m gonna kill that-“ I looked at my phone to see Liam standing up, being held back by the rest of the boys.

“And then my mom blamed me for getting beat up. Oh, and I can’t eat solid food. I learned that lesson when trying to eat a cookie!” They all slowly looked up. Like, simultaneously. Creepy much?

“Your mom blamed you?” Harry asked. I nodded (again!) unsurely. “Why? It’s not like you could fend off a fully grown teenager!” He huffed. I smiled gently. Then my phone buzzed, announcing that I had a text.

‘hey fakie! You didn’t get hurt too bad right? Cuz u gotta get the same tomoro! Have fun!’ I checked the contact. “Unknown number,” I mumbled.

“What?” Niall asked.

“Oh, just a text saying, saying I’m getting beat up again tomorrow.” At this I burst out crying. Why? That was the only thing I could think.

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