Chapter 39: Dad, where are you?

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I sat on the counter and watched everybody’s interactions with each other. Zayn and Niall seemed to be somewhat intimidated by the others. I picked at my bowl of soup, taking a few bites of it. I knew it would have been better for me to eat because I felt both Louis and Andy’s eyes on me.

I eventually finished the bowl and set it on the counter. Everybody else had almost finished and filed out to set up their rooms and such. Only Andy, Louis, and Jake were still standing in the kitchen.

“Jamie, can I ask you something?” Jake asked quietly, making his way over to me. I nodded, unsure of where this was going. “Do you always eat every meal?” I looked down at my lap. Normally Jake and I got along fine since we were both quiet, but I didn’t know he had picked up on me not eating.

I shook my head, still keeping my eyes aimed downward. I heard three sighs, all at the same time. I looked up at their faces and saw Louis had an expression of anger, Andy of compassion, and Jake looked kind of happy.

He saw my glance. “At least you admitted it. Most people would deny it, so it was incredibly brave of you to tell us.” I gave him a small smile and turned to Louis. He still looked a little bit angry. He was watching me with a tense glare.

“What’s wrong, Dad?” I swallowed. It was now quiet in our kitchen and I saw Andy take an almost unnoticeable step towards not only me, but also the door.

“Why couldn’t you tell me? You couldn’t face me, but you can face near strangers and tell them? What’s wrong with you?” I cowered away from him and looked back down at the floor.

“T-there were people, on Twitter and Instagram, telling me I was fat and stuff, and normally I can ignore it, but recently it’s gotten to me because the fans are blaming me for making you postpone the tour, rightly so in my opinion. Add that on top of the stress of knowing that you are gonna die within the next few months, I think I have a little right to be upset.”

“You did this, because a couple of jealous fangirls are telling you you’re fat? I can’t believe you!” he all but yelled and Harry and Liam ran in. Harry saw me backing away from Louis and stood in front of me.

“Louis. Settle down and tell me what’s wrong,” Liam said from his new position next to me.

“Jamie’s been skipping meals because there are fans telling her it’s her fault that we cancelled tour and that she’s fat. I’m upset because she let the hate get to her, which she’s never done before.”

Harry and Liam were silent for a few minutes. “Jamie, is this true?” Harry finally asked.

I nodded, waiting for them to all yell at me. “Oh Jamie, why didn’t you tell someone?” he cried, wrapping me in a hug. I was grateful for this because I wasn’t sure if I could face another angry Englishman.

I rested my head on his shoulder while Liam came to his senses. He just stared at Louis. “Why are you mad at her?” he asked softly.

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