Chapter 36: My Pequeña Cantante

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Approximately two weeks later

Friday May 24th, 2013

Louis came into my room this morning after talking to the doctor, the third time this week, and told me I was going home. I asked him how long and he said for as long as was necessary.

“Louis, why am I going back home?” I asked as we got in the car.

“Because the doctor told me to take you home for a little, alright? Now could you please stop asking me about it,” he replied, seemingly agitated or angry. I shrunk back in the seat and put my headphones in. I clicked play and King For a Day by Pierce the Veil ft. Kellin Quinn started playing. A small smile appeared on my face, I always smiled when listening to this song.

Louis gave me a glance before turning his focus back to the road. He smiled a little bit, and I closed my eyes. The chemo had worn me out in the past few weeks and I was always very tired. I felt myself drifting off, and gave in to the openness of sleep.

I woke up when the car stopped but made sure not to let Louis know that. I kept my eyes closed and took note of the music playing in my ears. It was Stay Away From My Friends by Pierce the Veil. I heard my door open soon after Louis got out and felt someone pick me up. I had learned by now who they were based on what they smelled like- as weird as it sounds it was true. Louis had a kind of cinnamon scent about him, Harry smelled like Axe, Liam like peppermint, Zayn like outdoors, and Niall smelled as something I could only describe as home. And Nando’s. But that’s a different story.

Right now it was Harry carrying me and I adjusted myself so that I head was resting on his chest and I was more shaped like a ball. I heard him chuckle softly and tried to keep myself from smiling. I felt the warmth from the house and drifted off again knowing I was finally home. I was going crazy in that hospital room and was excited to go home.

I woke up in my own bed and checked the clock. It was two o’clock, so I decided to put on some shorts and a tee shirt and go downstairs. When I got there, Liam was sitting on the couch with Zayn, playing something on Xbox. I saw Harry next to them and decided to go over there. I sat down, sighing, as it was much softer than the couches at the hospital.

“Hello there, sleepyhead,” Harry said as I sat next to him.


“That’s it! Your accent gets stronger after you talk to those guys! You’ve been around British people just a little too long,” Liam said.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Wait. No, I kind of hear it. Yep, it definitely comes out after I’ve talked to them.”

“Okay, just wanted to make sure I’m not the only one who noticed that,” he replied.

“Yeah, I’m gonna do a twitcam soon I think. It’s been a little while.”

They all nodded and I got on Twitter. ‘hey guys! Gonna do a twitcam in about ten minutes! Get ready!’

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